Gays are looking for outright approval not tolerance
The same-sex ‘marriage’ fight is not really about marriage. The issue is about societal approval for homosexual acts.
Homosexual activists argue the need for ‘marriage,’ but most have no interest in the constraints that such a formalized union would entail in terms of exclusive partnership.
However, the leaders among the activists have convinced the movement that they must attain marriage as a societal stamp of approval to homosexual behavior.
For practicing homosexuals, as with all those engaged in aberrant sexual behavior, the conscience speaks uncomfortably.
Many activists in the sexual sphere seek societal approval, since they falsely believe that it will quell the voice of the conscience.
They are not looking for mere tolerance, but outright approval and even to quash all dissent, with coercion if necessary.
In the UK, where speaking out against homosexuality has led to fines and penalties, there is also a growing movement advocating that pro-homosexual education be taught in schools and that parents be prevented from exempting their children from such classes.
The only way to truly win this debate is to raise the long-ignored subject of homosexuality itself: to teach the truth that homosexual acts are perilous to the body, and especially to the soul. To fail to do this would be to fail to address the heart of the matter.
In most people’s minds, arguments about the goodness of (heterosexual) marriage and raising children can be accepted right along with homosexual ‘marriage.’
Arguments that gay “marriage” will be a detriment to society, or that we should not alter traditional definitions, are tangential.
The core issue is the Church’s loving concern for those individuals who are putting their bodies and souls in danger with illicit and dangerous sexual practices, and society’s encouraging such behavior with the title of ‘marriage’. Homosexuality is sinful and the bible has already declared its condemnation. This will never change.