Radical gay-sensitivity training at USDA may become government-wide program
If homosexual activists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have their way, a radical “gay sensitivity” training program developed by the department could soon be coming to every federal agency, the Washington Times reported Sunday.
According to an internal newsletter published for employees, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the agency that oversees federal employment issues, has met with officials at USDA responsible for developing the program.
The newsletter, which calls the program “groundbreaking,” reports that the goal of collaboration with OPM is to spread USDA’s “LGBT Special Emphasis Program” across the federal government.
“Talking about LGBT issues is not always easy because people have different perceptions and feelings based on their respective experiences or beliefs,” says the newsletter article. “However, it is imperative that we have these critical conversations about LGBT issues because LGBT inclusion is now part of official USDA policy.”
According to the Times report, the USDA program includes a briefing for employees developed by Senior Training Coordinator Bill Scaggs which is titled “Including Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Diversity.”
The briefing refers to the belief that marriage should be restricted to a union between a man and a woman as “heterosexism,” and compares the belief to racism.
The briefing also claims that attempts to change a homosexual inclination “usually doesn’t work and may even be harmful. Can produce feelings of depression, hopelessness, shame and anxiety. Some people become suicidal.”
Scagg’s presentation also addresses the issue of gender identity, stating:
Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, told the Times that USDA’s program will have “disturbing implications” for national defense if spread throughout the government.
“This would drive out thousands of experienced troops, starting with chaplains and people of faith who do not support LGBT ideology and activism,” she said.
Veronica Villalobos, OPM’s director of diversity and inclusion, told The Times that USDA’s program “has not gone government wide.”
“OPM strongly encourages all agencies to conduct diversity and inclusion training,” she said. “USDA is one of the many agencies we are currently working closely with.”