LGBTQ lack critical thinking

One of the most serious but least discussed consequences of choosing a homosexual lifestyle is the loss of critical thinking skills. The Bible states clearly it is debased thinking as a result of indulging in homosexual sin.

What is worse, this malady seems to spread fairly easily to non-homosexuals who closely associate with people in the LGBT community (though this observation is by definition unscientific since there exists no objective standard for determining if someone is “gay,” thus a person’s self-declaration is the only measure.)

From the inability to distinguish disagreement from “hate,” or tolerance from approval, to conflating sex and love, homosexualists (ie anyone “gay” or straight who advocates for the mainstreaming of homosexuality) just can’t think straight.

For example, any clear-thinking person can see that basing a right to marry solely on romantic attraction opens the marriage door to many other deviant relationships: polygamy, polyamory, incest, pederasty and even pedophilia. Somehow homosexualists can’t see it - or they do and want to deny the connection.

It is also self-evident that all human beings are heterosexual by design. It is simply unarguable that all sexuality, even the awareness of having a sexual nature, derives from this obvious physiological reality. Yet homosexualists (without a shred of proof after decades of scientific efforts) not only insist that “homosexual orientation” is normal and innate, but also insist that it is impossible for a self-declared “gay” or lesbian to ever reorient to heterosexuality in conformity with the design of his or her body….Even when their illogic is being challenged by former homosexuals!!

Then there is the narrative implicit in all LGBT rhetoric and policy goals, to wit “all disapproval of homosexuality leads inevitably to hatred, violence, depression and even murder of homosexuals (which is why, for example, “gay” anti-bulling policies require all schoolchildren to be brainwashed to believe that homosexuality is good and normal instead of simply teaching them to respect others despite their differences). 

This narrative does not reflect reality. It is a mutually-reinforced paranoid delusion, yet it drives the homosexualists with such desperate urgency that every person who dares even to whisper that marriage is for one man and one woman is targeted for personal destruction.

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