Police investigate teacher who posted graphic gay sex brochures in 7-8 Toronto classroom
An edited version of the pamphlet, "If You Like To F---"
TORONTO, May 31, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Toronto police are investigating a grade 7-8 teacher who was reinstated in his classroom this week after being put on "home assignment" earlier this month for posting graphic sex brochures originally designed for gay bathhouses on his classroom walls.
"We are currently investigating this occurrence and we (are) gathering as much information as we can," Det.-Const. Sean Cassidy said to Sun News yesterday.
Wade Vroom, who teaches part-time at Delta Senior Alternative School, was sent home with pay earlier this month after school officials were notified about the explicit brochures on the walls of his classroom.
Wade Vroom
One brochure includes an image of the rear side a tattooed man with his pants down being clutched by another man who is kneeling in front of him. The brochure is titled: “Use Your Head When Giving It: Blow Job Tips.” Another, titled “If You Like to F---,” conveyed sexual health tips for men who have sex with men.
A third brochure included ads for female condoms and the morning after pill.
A spokesman for AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) said the pamphlets were intended primarily for distribution to homosexual bars and bathhouses across the city, not for children.
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) refused to elaborate on its reasons for reinstating Vroom, calling it on Tuesday a “a personnel matter” that “has been resolved”.
The Criminal Code on sexual exploitation offenses against children has it that anyone who “makes, prints, publishes, distributes, circulates or has in his possession for the purpose of publication, distribution or circulation any obscene written matter, picture, model, phonograph record or other thing whatever” commits the offence of “corrupting morals”.
TDSB spokesman Ryan Bird said earlier this month that Vroom had “good intentions” and used the brochures as a way to “speak more directly to youth on what is a sensitive topic.” Bird also made clear that placing Vroom on home assignment was not a disciplinary action.
“Sorry Mr Bird, but you, the teacher, and the administration are paid by taxpayers to teach children, not corrupt them,” said Brian Lilley on Sun News yesterday.
“When a teacher like this is found to be using material like this in the classroom, you owe parents and tax payers an explanation far beyond telling them, 'Sit down, shut up, and pay the bill.'”
Lilley said that the TDSB owes an explanation as to what disciplinary measures, if any, were taken. He demanded to know “what the board thinks of this material. Does the board support graphic lessons on oral sex, the kind that use lewd language and is meant to be posted in a gay bar bathroom?”
Lilley was disturbed that critics have labeled people who have a problem with the posters being in the 7/8 classroom as “‘prudes’ who don’t want kids to know anything at all about sex and who are trying to shut down the enlightened and progressive voices who just want to help kids deal with being kids.’”
“Bull crap!" he exclaimed. "I’m a father,” he said. “I have children in this age range. I know where kids are at and it isn’t flipping through stuff like this in a classroom.”
“This is about fighting back, pushing back against the sexualization of children at an earlier and earlier age,” he said.
Gwen Landolt, national vice-president of REAL Women Canada, told LifeSiteNews.com that the TDSB is “totally out to lunch” when it stated that the “matter has been resolved.”
“Mr. Vroom should never be allowed to teach children again. He is a danger to them," she said.
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Donna Quan, Director of Education
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Phone: 416-395-8201
Email: director'soffice@tdsb.on.ca
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