ABC Media Bias 5-to-1 wants to shape immoral Homosexual Marriage agenda not report
The Pew Research Center came out with a report this week that told us what we already knew — that the media is hugely in the tank for same-sex 'marriage':
"In a period marked by Supreme Court deliberations on the subject, the news media coverage provided a strong sense of momentum towards legalizing same-sex marriage, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center. Stories with more statements supporting same-sex marriage outweighed those with more statements opposing it by a margin of roughly 5-to-1."
When it comes to marriage the media doesn't cover the news, it tries to shape it.
And yet, the Pew same report observed that comments about marriage on the social media platform Twitter were far more even (because social media more accurately reflects the real conversations taking place everyday across America than your average big-city newsroom):
On social media, the opinions expressed on Twitter were closely split between those that supported (31%) and those that opposed (28%). There were, however, significant shifts in the sentiment over the nine weeks studied. During the week prior to and the week of the Court hearings, more of the Twitter conversation favored same-sex marriage. The two following weeks saw a reverse with more posts in opposition. Then, during the last month of the study, assertions in favor of the measure once again took the lead.
Thank you to all of you who share the pro-marriage message via social media. If you aren't already following us on Twitter and liking us on Facebook now would be a great time to do so! We are also now on Pinterest — sharing the best pro-marriage visuals we find and create.
Young Marriage Movement Gaining Steam
I want to make sure you saw this interview with Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation and Caitlin Seery of the Love and Fidelity Network — both young marriage leaders — on CBN News:
"...a traditional marriage movement whose leaders represent a new generation has entered the game, and it is gaining steam.
"The other side has been preparing the seeds for this debate for 20 or 30 years and they've been well-prepared, well-organized and the response is just in its infancy," Ryan Anderson, with the Heritage Foundation, told CBN News.
... The New York Times recently recognized Anderson and other movement leaders like Caitlin Seery, who directs the Love and Fidelity Network on college campuses.
"We are trying to help students prepare themselves for healthy marriages so they will then raise healthy families because healthy families are the foundation of our society," Seery told CBN News.
What Seery, Anderson, and other supporters of traditional marriage have in common is a willingness to face fierce opposition and think outside the box about what is possible."
Yes, a new generation of marriage leaders is entering the fray, because the truth about marriage is eternal. Every generation must choose to make our marriage tradition their own. And each generation must decide what the next generation deserves — what their children deserve.
Please join me in praying for these young marriage leaders, and that we can pass on to them a strong marriage culture.
Speaking of prayer, please join me in praying that the Supreme Court will respect the conversations going on across America everyday about marriage by allowing the debate to continue.
And pray the Supreme Court recognizes and respects the truth about marriage, a truth that the next generation and our children so deeply deserve.
When it comes to marriage the media doesn't cover the news, it tries to shape it.
And yet, the Pew same report observed that comments about marriage on the social media platform Twitter were far more even (because social media more accurately reflects the real conversations taking place everyday across America than your average big-city newsroom):
On social media, the opinions expressed on Twitter were closely split between those that supported (31%) and those that opposed (28%). There were, however, significant shifts in the sentiment over the nine weeks studied. During the week prior to and the week of the Court hearings, more of the Twitter conversation favored same-sex marriage. The two following weeks saw a reverse with more posts in opposition. Then, during the last month of the study, assertions in favor of the measure once again took the lead.
Thank you to all of you who share the pro-marriage message via social media. If you aren't already following us on Twitter and liking us on Facebook now would be a great time to do so! We are also now on Pinterest — sharing the best pro-marriage visuals we find and create.
Young Marriage Movement Gaining Steam
I want to make sure you saw this interview with Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation and Caitlin Seery of the Love and Fidelity Network — both young marriage leaders — on CBN News:
"...a traditional marriage movement whose leaders represent a new generation has entered the game, and it is gaining steam.
"The other side has been preparing the seeds for this debate for 20 or 30 years and they've been well-prepared, well-organized and the response is just in its infancy," Ryan Anderson, with the Heritage Foundation, told CBN News.
... The New York Times recently recognized Anderson and other movement leaders like Caitlin Seery, who directs the Love and Fidelity Network on college campuses.
"We are trying to help students prepare themselves for healthy marriages so they will then raise healthy families because healthy families are the foundation of our society," Seery told CBN News.
What Seery, Anderson, and other supporters of traditional marriage have in common is a willingness to face fierce opposition and think outside the box about what is possible."
Yes, a new generation of marriage leaders is entering the fray, because the truth about marriage is eternal. Every generation must choose to make our marriage tradition their own. And each generation must decide what the next generation deserves — what their children deserve.
Please join me in praying for these young marriage leaders, and that we can pass on to them a strong marriage culture.
Speaking of prayer, please join me in praying that the Supreme Court will respect the conversations going on across America everyday about marriage by allowing the debate to continue.
And pray the Supreme Court recognizes and respects the truth about marriage, a truth that the next generation and our children so deeply deserve.