Guatemala rejects Organization of American State’s attempt to impose homosexual ideology
Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina has rejected an attempt by the Organization of American States (OMS) to reach agreements that pro-family activists would lead to the legalization of same-sex “marriage.”
“The foundation of Guatemalan society are the families and we will comply with the moral values and ethics that our Constitution demands,” declared the president.
President Otto Pérez Molina
The topic was discussed during the 43rd regular session of the OAS General Assembly held in the city of Antigua, Guatemala, entitled, “For a Comprehensive Policy against the World Drug Problem in the Americas”.
The president refused to sign onto two documents, saying he found within them things “that we do not agree with.” The agreements would have added the term “sexual orientation” to the list of categories protected from discrimination, paving the way for same-sex “marriage” to be legalized in the future.
The documents were titled "the Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Related Forms of Intolerance" and the "Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance."
The president said that countries are free to “adopt a reservation in order to stand our position.”
“We are against all forms of discrimination, but we can’t allow that in the name of tolerance international laws that give supposed rights to people of homosexual conduct,” said a statement released by 42 pro-family organizations. They said their president’s decision was “well-fitting”.
Gay activists tried to pressure the Guatemalan representatives before the OAS to sign these documents, but Pérez Molina stood strong and recalled that non-discrimination is already guaranteed in the Guatemalan Constitution, making it “unnecessary” to sign such treaties.
Alexandra Sole, president of “Sí a la Vida” (Yes to Life), publicly congratulated the president saying: “Thank you Mr. President for being so brave”. In a statement made to ACI Prensa Sole said: “the least we could do was to be grateful. If the pressure was public then so should be gratitude.”
Argentina and Uruguay are the only two countries in Latin America that have legalized same-sex “marriages”.