What Does Exodus Believe About Sexual Orientation & Change?
Exodus International believes… that the decision to stop acting on one’s same-sex attractions and pursuing a life centered on Christ is not about one particular method, but ultimately about a relationship with Jesus Christ and a resolution to live in congruence with biblical teaching on sexuality. We believe homosexuality to be a multi-causal issue and that any individual can experience freedom over impulses through the support of caring individuals and the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Exodus International provides resources, spiritual discipleship and support to those seeking this alternative. Exodus is a worldwide network of people who have chosen to put their faith in Christ, deny the power of sin and temptation and pursue a life and identity beyond any past or present struggle with same-sex attraction. We are the largest coalition of Christians and organizations dealing with this topic in the world today.
What is reparative therapy or ‘conversion therapy’? There are many clinical approaches to dealing with unwanted same-sex attraction within the world of psychology. Reparative therapy is only one, but the most widely known. It is a therapeutic, clinical process that operates under the premise that men and women dealing with same-sex attraction are attempting to restore broken familial relationships in an insufficient, unhealthy way. The therapy attempts to re-direct this drive towards healthy, nonsexual relationships with same sex peers and to explore other underlying personal issues in the counseling process. Some within the Exodus network have found this type of therapy to be beneficial, though it is not a method Exodus employs or endorses.Is it religious in nature? No. While this type of therapy has been helpful to some in our network, the principles are derived from psychoanalytic psychology. Does it work? Is change in homosexuality even possible? As we believe homosexuality to be multicausal, it is understandable that some will find this counseling a helpful tool in accomplishing their personal goals and others may not. It raises a broader issue, “Is change in homosexuality even possible?” We know this to be true from the thousands of individuals within our network who have experienced it varying degrees of change. In addition, there have been clinical studies on this. Dr. Robert Spitzer, a prominent psychiatrist who was the leading figure in the 1973 APA decision to remove homosexuality from the official diagnostic manual of mental disorders, conducted a study showing that efforts to change sexual orientation can produce significant success. Spitzer released the results of his study in 2001, which interviewed 200 men and women who have experienced a significant shift from homosexual to heterosexual attraction, and have sustained this shift for at least five years. What does the American Psychological Association say about reparative therapy? While the APA has been vocal about many political topics including gay marriage and gay adoption, the organization continues to support a client’s autonomy and right to self-determination. At a Town Hall Meeting at the organization’s 2006 convention, APA President Gerald P. Koocher stated, “APA has no conflict with psychologists who help those distressed by unwanted homosexual attraction.” What does Exodus do? Exodus is a Christian ministry that supports those wanting to reconcile their faith with their sexual behavior by providing a variety of resources including, support groups, referrals to outside counselors and other resources. Exodus is the largest ministry dealing with the topic of homosexuality in the world today and has more than 260 member organizations within its three networks that offer practical help to those seeking to leave homosexuality as well as family members, friends and churches affected by this issue. Does the Exodus program work? Exodus does not have one specific program or approach that our member ministries employ. Within the over 260 groups in our network, each one uses a variety of approaches that is unique to the people they serve in a specific area. What remains consistent is the overarching goal to offer a safe, supportive environment in which individuals who contact us can pursue their personal goals. Our networks are comprised of many who have experienced similar issues and can relate to the struggles that revolve around life-dominating struggles. While some consider “success” to be a total elimination of same-sex attraction, Exodus believes that “success” is living in congruence with one’s beliefs. Exodus does not have a compiled body of data that notes a “success rate” over its thirty-five-year history, but anecdotal evidence is similar to what other groups dealing with life-dominating issues such as Alcoholics Anonymous seem to show. About one third of the individuals who come to an Exodus member ministry turn from homosexual behavior, some towards heterosexuality, whether that includes marriage or celibacy in singleness. Another third of the individuals who contact us do return to homosexual behavior and still another third struggle between the two. Regardless of the life choices made after contact with an Exodus ministry, many say they are better off for having had contact with an Exodus ministry and have benefited from their interactions with Exodus staff and ministries. Is there any scientific research on organizations like Exodus? In September of 2007, researchers Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse released the results of a three-year study indicating that sexual orientation change is possible for some individuals going through religiously mediated programs, such as Exodus, and does not cause psychological harm to the patient, on average. These conclusions directly contradict the claims of critics who state that change in sexual orientation is impossible and attempting to pursue this alternative is likely to cause depression, anxiety or self-destructive behavior. The study is the first longitudinal, peer-reviewed, scientific research of its kind on this topic to date. The major findings are reported in full in the book Ex-Gays? A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation (InterVarsity Press). In addition, former American Psychological Association President, Nicholas A. Cummings, Ph.D., Sc.D., praised the research methods of Jones and Yarhouse, “This study has broken new ground in its adherence to objectivity and a scientific precision that can be replicated and expanded, and it opens new horizons for investigation.” In the absence of any scientific, peer-reviewed research on this topic, Exodus International funded the research conducted by Jones and Yarhouse. |