What Does Exodus Believe About Same-Sex Parenting & Adoption?
Exodus International believes… that the biblical design for the family and the best environment for raising a biological or adoptive child is one in which the child’s mother and father are married to one another and are present in the home. While legitimate and difficult circumstances often prevent this, the intentional deprivation of a mother or father through same-sex parenting and adoption, is not in the best interest of children. As such, social policy and adoption law should be governed by a desire to ensure the health and well being of future generations.
Research promoting same-sex adoption and parenting is flawed
Same-sex advocates are quick to assure us that children with same-sex parents are as happy and healthy as children raised in a home where a married mother and father are present. However, most of the research conducted on this issue does not directly compare the two situations and there is no reliable body of research to date.
Robert Lerner, Ph.D., and Althea Nagai, Ph.D., professionals in the field of quantitative analysis, evaluated 49 empirical studies on same-sex parenting. They found at least one “fatal” research flaw in all of the studies. Some major problems uncovered in those studies included unclear hypotheses and research designs, missing or inadequate comparison groups, self-constructed, unreliable and invalid measurements, the use of “friendship circles” (participants who recruit other participants) and missing or inadequate statistical analysis.
Other key flaws in current research include:
Flaw #1: There are no long-term studies
Same-sex families are a relatively new social experiment and scientists have not been able to observe significant populations of same-sex families over long periods of time. Most studies focus on short-term measures of child development. Few or none follow children of same-sex households to adulthood.
Same-sex families are a relatively new social experiment and scientists have not been able to observe significant populations of same-sex families over long periods of time. Most studies focus on short-term measures of child development. Few or none follow children of same-sex households to adulthood.
Flaw #2: There are deficiencies with the research samples used
Researches use random sampling to ensure that the participants are representative of the population being studied, but many of the existing studies on homosexual parenting did not conduct random sampling. Others used an inadequate, small sample size and many did not guarantee complete anonymity in order to ensure truthfulness and candor in the answers to the questions.
Researches use random sampling to ensure that the participants are representative of the population being studied, but many of the existing studies on homosexual parenting did not conduct random sampling. Others used an inadequate, small sample size and many did not guarantee complete anonymity in order to ensure truthfulness and candor in the answers to the questions.
Love cannot replace a mom or dad
Decades of social research confirm not only that children need a mother and a father, but that they do best when they are raised in this environment. This is a universal truth that is not mitigated by divorce, popular opinion or social debate. The unique contributions that both a mother and a father make cannot be underestimated. Here is some of the research:
- Children from married two-parent households are healthier, on average, than children in other family forms.
- Children from intact married homes have lower rates of substance abuse.
- Boys and young men from intact married homes are less likely to commit crimes.
- Children raised outside of intact marriages are more likely to be victims of both sexual and physical abuse.
- Children raised outside of intact married homes are more likely to divorce or become unwed parents themselves.
- William J. Doherty, et al, 2002, Why Marriage Matters: Twenty-One Conclusions from the Social Sciences (New York: Institute for American Values): 6 (co-authors include William J. Doherty, William A. Galston, Norval D. Glenn, John Gottman, Barbara Markey, Howard J. Markman, Steven Nock, David Popenoe, Gloria G. Rodriguez, Isabel V. Sawhill, Scott M. Stanley, Linda J. Waite & Judith Wallerstein).
Millions of children have already been devastated by motherless and fatherless homes. Why should we intentionally encourage more of the same?
Many men and women within the Exodus network have been powerfully affected by the emotional and/or physical absence of a mother or father. The epidemic of divorce in America has created far-reaching problems for the children involved. Judith Wallerstein, widely considered the world’s foremost authority on the effects of divorce, said in her landmark book, The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce, “Children from divorced and remarried families are two to three times more likely to be referred for psychological help at school than their peers from intact families. More of them end up in mental health clinics and hospital settings. There is earlier sexual activity, more children born out of wedlock, less marriage, and more divorce. Numerous studies show that adult children of divorce have more psychological problems than those raised in intact marriages.”
Fix a broken system — don’t shortchange a child.
Foster care and adoption systems are in great need of reform but, we should never intentionally put children in situations that will set them up for failure or put them at a disadvantage in life. There are many wonderful organizations working to improve the system and encourage married couples to provide a home to a child. Here are a few:
- The Antioch Adoption Agency – Started by former NFL linebacker, Pastor Kenneth “Hutch” Hutcherson, this unique agency seeks to reform adoption policy and to help families adopt children free of charge.
- Christian Adoption Center – This organization works with unwed pregnant mothers who want their children to be adopted in a loving, Christian family.
- Bethany Christian Services – Bethany Christian Services is the largest national adoption and family services agency in the United States. In addition to adoption services, Bethany provides family counseling, foster care programs, refugee services for troubled youth and a ministry to infertile couples.