homosexual humbug
The trouble with compromise is that it all too often pleases no-one and sounds both hypocritical and bizarre. Behind all the hullabaloo about gay priests and even possibly gay bishops, people have perhaps missed the fact that the C of E began compromising on this issue many years ago. It is quite simply untenable to allow one thing for ‘ordinary’ members of the church and another for its leaders. The church must jump one way or the other. Cultural relevance or biblical absolutes- they simply can’t have it both ways!
the Guardian states “The row may well signal an end to the unsatisfactory compromise enshrined in the 1991 House of Bishops statement, Issues in Human Sexuality – a document which stated that gay sexual relationships were allowable for the faithful laity, but wrong for the clergy. A dozen bishops are reliably reported to have persisted in appointing gay priests: the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has made plain his unhappiness with the hypocrisy and dishonesty involved in the current arrangement. “