Cameron pushing for gay ‘marriage’ over fear of EU court ruling: Nigel Farage
ROME, March 20, 2012 ( – Already stinging from criticisms that he has caved to an overbearing, anti-democratic European Union, UK Prime Minister David Cameron has initiated a sudden push for “gay marriage” in an effort to preempt a European court ruling that would likely declare the UK’s current marriage laws discriminatory, according to Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK’s leading libertarian Eurosceptic party, UKIP.
“In the 12 years I’ve been an MEP I have received a lorry load of communication from constituents, asking me to support this and oppose that,” Farage wrote this weekend in the Daily Express, “but never in all that time has anyone ever asked him either to support or oppose ‘gay marriage.’”
“Of course, stupid me,” Farage wrote, “Why didn’t I think of that? There just had to be a European angle.”Farage described an unexpected meeting in Brussels with leading UK homosexualist campaigner Peter Tatchell, whose case against the British legal definition of marriage is about to be heard in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).
Farage’s UKIP legal advisers said that Tatchell’s case at the ECHR is nearly certain to win, which would force Cameron into the position of being pushed into a decision on the issue by a foreign court that is increasingly hated by the British public. “It would show him weak and ineffectual,” Farage wrote.
“The Tatchell express has been spotted coming down the tracks and Cameron has decided to get out of its way.”
“The fact that Cameron has suddenly taken up this cause, which has not really been on the horizon at all, suggests that the case is heading towards an imminent hearing and his legal advice is the same as mine.”
Cameron has already come under heavy criticism for his decision to ignore a campaign promise for a referendum on Europe. Britain’s relationship with the EU is coming under increasing scrutiny, at a time when nearly 80 per cent of laws passed in Westminster are rubber stamps of European directives.
“The last thing he needs at the moment is to have the European courts declare our law discriminatory again and demand it be changed,” Farage added.
Cameron’s “gay marriage” push is opposed by nearly every religious leader in the country and 70 percent of the British public. The public consultation started last week by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government asks whether the public will “agree or disagree” with redefining marriage, while at the same time making it clear that a “no” vote will not be accepted. “This consultation is about how the ban can be lifted on same-sex couples having a marriage through a civil ceremony,” the government has said.
“That [Cameron] is jumping into the path of another train composed of his own core support means nothing to him,” Farage said, who called a promise by the party whip of a free vote “meaningless.”
“For in exactly the same way it doesn’t matter what our politicians say and do, when the European Court rules, we must obey.”
Farage is the outspoken Member of the European Parliament who infamously told the appointed EU president, Herman van Rompuy, that he has the “charisma of a damp rag” and accused him of intending to become “the quiet assassin of European democracy and of European nation states.”
UKIP has recently begun to acquire prominent former members of the Conservative Party disillusioned with Cameron’s “modernising” program that includes the full implementation of the homosexualist political agenda.
Many traditionally conservative members of the party have said that Cameron’s attempt to play both sides of the political fence will end up turning against him and the party in the upcoming election.
Meanwhile, leaders of the Sikh, Muslim, Jewish religious minorities and of the Christian majority have all opposed the gay “marriage” proposal, with one former Archbishop of Canterbury calling it a direct threat to religious freedom. Today the Muslim Council of Britain issued a statement warning that the plan is “unnecessary and unhelpful” since homosexual partners already enjoy all the legal rights and privileges of marriage.
Farooq Murad said that his group placed itself in the community of the “Abrahamic faiths” believing that “the case to change the definition of marriage, as accepted throughout time and across cultures, is strikingly weak.”
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, who is thought to be in the lead as the next Chief Rabbi of Britain, described the proposals as “pure politics.”