If you believe in marriage you will be guilty of hate speech even murder
Apparently believing that marriage is between a man and a woman, as millions like you and I do—and saying so publicly—is hate speech and equivalent to murder.
This is what we are fighting against every day: a vicious attempt to impose a radical social agenda while trying to silence anybody who disagrees.
You see, recently, actor Kirk Cameron went on the Piers Morgan show to promote his new film, Monumental. Cameron is a devout Christian and father of six (four of whom he adopted), who is not afraid to stand up for his beliefs—which he did when Piers (as he has been doing with so many social conservatives lately) turned the conversation quickly toward same-sex marriage.
Cameron explained that he believed marriage "was defined by God a long time ago...one man, one woman for life, till death do us part."
Well, as I'm sure you can guess, his answer and the subsequent discussion generated a swift and intense backlash. And it included this tweet from actress Roseanne Barr:
"Kirk or kurt or whatever Cameron is an accomplice to murder with his hate speech. So is rick warren. Their peers r killing gays in Uganda."
Yes, you read that right: Barr thinks anyone who believes in marriage is guilty of hate speech and an accomplice to murder!
According to Hollywood radicals bent on destroying marriage and the family, you and I are now accomplices to murder, and God's truth about marriage is nothing more than hate speech which leads to the killing of gays and lesbians in Uganda.
As you can see, the same-sex marriage movement is NOT about live-and-let live.
It's about viciously and aggressively imposing a radical transformative social agenda on society and ruthlessly silencing anybody who disagrees with them.
Sure, we may be tempted to dismiss tweets from Roseanne Barr as absurd and removed from reality. But sadly they illustrate a much larger and more important point: Proponents of same-sex marriage want to end the debate about the issue by silencing and stigmatizing us, the opposition.
That's the bottom line. In their worldview, you and I don't have the right to say in public that it takes a man and a woman to form a marriage. So they try to brand us as bigots and haters...and now, murderers.
The same-sex marriage crowd is all about silencing you and me, and anyone willing to speak the truth about marriage. Sometimes the mask slips off and their true feelings show through. Moments like this are important, as they allow each of us to see just what we are up against.