What happens when you refuse to bow to the Gay agenda
"This may be the first time in my whole life that I've had to actually receive persecution."
Over the past three years, hundreds of Americans have been bullied, threatened, and even fired from their jobs, for no other reason than because they support traditional marriage.
That's why the National Organization for Marriage just launched a new effort: the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance.
The goal of the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance is to defend Americans' religious liberty and free speech rights from being trampled by the same-sex marriage lobby.
The Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance is here to support Americans like Rose Marie Belforti, who tells her chilling story in our brand-new video.
For over a decade, Rose Marie has been a widely-respected Town Clerk in Ledyard, New York. She loves her job and goes out of her way to ensure that local government works well for the citizens of her small town.
But when New York legalized same-sex marriage, Rose Marie realized that if she had to certify those marriages, it would conflict with her Christian beliefs. She asked if a deputy could perform any same-sex marriages should the
And now, Rose Marie's job is being threatened, all because, as she tells it, "I just want to respect the God I worship."
This is un-American, and we must fight back!
You've been a strong supporter of marriage and of NOM's efforts to protect marriage (thank you again), so you of all people need to know how our opponents are viciously targeting people's safety, property, and livelihoods – and what we can do to fight back!
If you do one thing this week, watch this video and then make one urgent online contribution to NOM so we can spread the truth about what's going on in America.
At the Marriage ADA website, you can hear more of "Our Stories" from citizens whose religious liberty is being threatened, send a note of encouragement to courageous Americans like Rose Marie Belforti who've been targeted by the anti-marriage goons, make a financial donation in support of this critical effort, and even share your own story if you've been subjected to threats, harassment or intimidation.
Because this is just the beginning – there are literally dozens and possibly hundreds of outrageous stories to tell!
We also have testimony from corporate trainers, public school teachers and others who've had their livelihoods threatened because they spoke out for marriage.
And Marriage ADA will release—one-at-a-time over the next several weeks—a series of incredible new videos about other courageous pro-marriage citizens.
Our goal is to create a community of Americans who adhere to the core Gospel value: "Be not afraid!"
Thanks for acting fast,

P.S. Please forward this email to three friends right now so they can see the truth and get involved. Isolated and alone, we can be intimidated. Together we are too many to be treated as second-class citizens.
Simply visit MarriageADA.org, learn Rose Marie Belforti's story, and make one urgent contribution. Thank you again, and God bless you!