Andrew Fraser pushes immoral gay partnership
Why does this man need to push this immoral agenda?
''My views are on the record and if necessary I am prepared to move a private member's bill. 'My assessment is there is very strong support across the ministry and across the backbench, and I hope the other side of the Parliament would vote with their conscience. The bill would be introduced before Christmas; whether it came to a vote was dependent upon Parliament.''
Why is the Brisbane Times quoting from a gay sect that rejects the Bible but allows them to be quoted as a church? Nearly every evangelical church (excluding some in the Uniting Church) are against Gay marriage, civil unions and the legitmization of homosexuality.
Leigh Neighbour, who conducts unholy unions for same-sex couples at the Metropolitan Community Church in Brisbane, said Mr Fraser's proposal was long overdue. ''It's a small step forward and we need to be taking steps forward,'' Mr Neighbour said. ''I know it's not marriage but half a loaf of bread is better than none at all.''
Leigh Neighbour, who conducts unholy unions for same-sex couples at the Metropolitan Community Church in Brisbane, said Mr Fraser's proposal was long overdue. ''It's a small step forward and we need to be taking steps forward,'' Mr Neighbour said. ''I know it's not marriage but half a loaf of bread is better than none at all.''
The Metropolitan Community Church is not recognized anywhere in the world as a legitimate church based on scripture regardless of what they say. This is a fake church pretending to have legitimacy. They will twist scripture that addresses the sin of homosexuality to mean unwarranted pedofiles attraction.
Mr Fraser will have to rely solely on his own party to pass the bill as the Liberal National Party has vowed to vote against it. The opposition attorney-general spokesman, Jarrod Bleijie, said the LNP believed marriage could only be between a man and a woman.
The LNP support traditional marriage
Image via Wikipedia
Image via Wikipedia
Mr Fraser will have to rely solely on his own party to pass the bill as the Liberal National Party has vowed to vote against it. The opposition attorney-general spokesman, Jarrod Bleijie, said the LNP believed marriage could only be between a man and a woman.
The LNP support traditional marriage
''The ACT, Victoria and Tasmania are the only ones that have civil unions, and this is the way to get around the Marriage Act federally,'' Mr Bleijie said.
''Any change should happen at a federal level because marriage is determ
''Any change should happen at a federal level because marriage is determ
ined at a federal level, whether you call it a civil union or a marriage.
''We've always held the view that the current law [holds that] marriage is between a man and a woman, and we have no desire to change that.''
The ALP in Queensland backed same-sex marriage at its state conference in June and called on federal Labor to also support same-sex marriage as well. Similar motions have already been passed in Tasmania and South Australia, and in Victoria there has been a motion in support of marriage equality. The ALP women's network has also passed a motion of support for marriage equality.
''We've always held the view that the current law [holds that] marriage is between a man and a woman, and we have no desire to change that.''
The ALP in Queensland backed same-sex marriage at its state conference in June and called on federal Labor to also support same-sex marriage as well. Similar motions have already been passed in Tasmania and South Australia, and in Victoria there has been a motion in support of marriage equality. The ALP women's network has also passed a motion of support for marriage equality.
Anna Bligh was advised by the former premier Peter Beattie to get married to her defacto because Queendland voters would not accept such a Premier living with her boyfriend. Bligh a long term feminist now power hungry leader will do anything to hold onto power.
The Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh, came out in support of same-
sex marriage last year.
Mr Bleijie said the same-sex union proposal was merely a distraction for voters. ''It's a distraction from the government and there are more important things to talk about,'' Mr Bleijie said. ''For Andrew Fraser to come out now with only 12 sittings days remaining before Christmas is a desperate grab for media coverage.''
Mr Fraser is more interested in promoting immorality than good governance, prosperity, health, and jobs. Is this man stupid?
Mr Bleijie said the same-sex union proposal was merely a distraction for voters. ''It's a distraction from the government and there are more important things to talk about,'' Mr Bleijie said. ''For Andrew Fraser to come out now with only 12 sittings days remaining before Christmas is a desperate grab for media coverage.''
Mr Fraser is more interested in promoting immorality than good governance, prosperity, health, and jobs. Is this man stupid?
Mr Fraser said the LNP leader, Campbell Newman, who will be seeking election at the state polls to be held next year, should allow all of his sitting members to exercise a conscience vote.
Andrew Fraser has no moral understanding, and is a bully. People do have consciences and those consciences are saying this action is totally immoral.
Andrew Fraser has no moral understanding, and is a bully. People do have consciences and those consciences are saying this action is totally immoral.
''I call upon them to exercise their conscience and not be stood over by the 'thugocracy' of the LNP,'' Mr Fraser said. ''He [Mr Newman] should allow members of his team a free vote.''
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