This is what happens when gay marriage is approved
How quickly do the cultural inhibitions shift after same-sex marriage becomes the law?
In Connecticut, just a few years after court-ordered gay marriage became the law of the land, a public high school in Hartford chose to put on a mu
sical featuring two boys kissing passionately.
The public school is composed of several "academies" with separate principals. One of the principals sent out a letter advising the parents in advance so they could choose whether that was appropriate for their children. But another principal, David Chambers, said he thought about and rejected that idea.
Nursing academy principal David Chambers, said that he had considered sending an opt-out letter to parents before changing his mind.Chambers said that students needed to learn empathy towards homosexuals and exposure to things that would make them uncomfortable. "Our kids are not there yet," he said. Chambers also suggested that the reaction of disgust was a good sign, indicating a release of students' inner conflict about homosexuality."Even though it's kind of chaotic, kind of wild and crazy, I see it as very successful," he said, according to The Courant. "Our kids never deal with this, they keep it inside, and that's that nervous energy. That's why they walked out."Adam Johnson, principal of Hartford High's Law and GovernmentImage via Wikipedia
Academy, agreed. "This is as important of a topic to discuss as anything in math, anything in social studies," Johnson said. "I'm completely glad that we did it."
Watching two boys kiss is as important as anything in math class?
In one sense, of course, we should not be surprised. The heart of the gay-marriage movement is a new moral idea: There is no difference between two men in a sexual union and the union of a husband and wife, and if you see a difference there is something wrong with you.
Of course once the government accepts the legitimacy of this position, public schools are going to reflect and promote, with your tax dollars, this new moral norm in a variety of ways, some we can predict and some we cannot.
This is a movement that has trumpeted what they believe and
want, and then accuses others of lying or bad faith when they say those beliefs and demands will have consequences.
Meanwhile in New Jersey, a public school teacher posted her objec
tions to celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History month in her public school. Gay-marriage advocates are demanding she be fired. An "investigation" has been launched.
"She has a right to say it. But she does not have a right to keep her job after saying it," one former public official said.
What did Viki Knox say?
She did not call any person a name. She specifically called for kind
and loving treatment of gay people and said that's the way she treated gay people in her life. She said she believed that homosexuality is a sign of a "perverted spirit" of this age.
Turning against the spirit of what God asks of us, she meant. Sin, she said, "breeds like cancer."
This week, for her sins, the Human Rights Campaign delivers 75,000 signatures—hardly any from her school district of course—demanding that the board act against Viki.
Thanks to your help, NOM was there at the protest in Union County, and in the next few days we'll be releasing new video footage from th
e protest so that you can see (through the mainstream media-haze) what these protestors really want.
Getting the word out with original videos isn't cheap. Please help us stand up for Viki and for others in her shoes bymaking a donation to NOM today! $5, $10, or, if you can afford it - $100 will help us leap over the MSM's biased coverage and stand up for truth and love.
The intense national public campaign to get Viki fired is another very bad sign about the intentions of gay-marriage advocates, a sign of the kind of America they believe "equality" requires.
Of course gay teens in public schools should be treated with respect. As a Christian I never forget that Christ died for each and every one of those souls. Children who bully one another need to be instructed, to be taught manners and morals.
But for the gay-marriage movement, at this point respect is not enough.
It's not a level playing field. It's second-class citizenship for Christians and other traditional faith communities.
Just a few years ago a gay teacher could have been fired. Now a Bible-believing Christian has to be "in the closet" or get fired.
In other important news, rich New York billionaires promised four GOP senators they would be "protected" if they betrayed the people they represent, the promises they made, and voted for gay marriage.
Now, as EWTN reports, "NY Senators Seen As Vulnerable for Turning Against Marriage":
"These senators campaigned with the promise that they would not vote to redefine marriage. Mark Grisanti, in fact, went as far as to promise churches that he would never vote to redefine marriage," our own Christopher Plante told EWTN. "But when they were shown the money, and they began to do the money dance, they betrayed their people's vote—for the money. Therein lies the problem."
At one of the many fetes in which establishment New York tried to persuade these four guys they are heroes, one of the New York Four, State Sen. Jim Alesi, actually explained out loud how lacking in integrity he has been and still is on this issue.
At an Oct. 18 panel hosted by the New York Times (which now loves Jim Alesi), he explained that he voted NO in 2009 because he was for same-sex marriage in 2009:
"As the State Senate Republican minority prepared to enter the chamber for the December 2, 2009 vote on marriage equality, James Alesi, a GOP member from the Rochester area, told his colleagues, 'I'm voting no. If anyone votes yes, I'm going to quit the Senate.'"
Politically, he was unwilling to take the heat for being for gay marriage in 2009. Instead, he explained that senators knew ahead of time that the votes for passage were not there.
He says now, in 2011:
"This was the best vote [for same-sex marriage] I've ever taken in 20 years, and I'll go to my grave with that."
As New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg and his coterie of wealthy establishment Republicans hosted a fundraiser showering more than a million dollars on these four pro-gay-marriage state senators, with your help the National Organization for Marriage launched a new web ad, "The Money Dance."
Under media scrutiny for selling his vote and betraying his constituents, Sen. Grisanti said a very strange thing to the press:
State Senator Mark Grisanti: "To say 'you're next,' first of all I don't know what that means, second of all it was done by an organization that's based out of Utah, that pays no taxes in New York state, that doesn't care about Western New York whatsoever."
Huh? NOM has supporters in all fifty states, including New York. Just look at the hundreds of Western New Yorkers who showed up for out Let The People Vote Rally in Buffalo:
Sen. Grisanti—these are New York taxpayers. These are your constituents.
These are the folks you betrayed when you cashed in on your vote for gay marriage.
NOM's "Money Dance" ad lampooning the pro-SSM New York Senators who betrayed the voters is already being noticed by New York media.
Times-Union Capital Confidential:
"The National Organization for Marriage is out with a JibJab-ish web ad attacking the four GOP Senators who voted for same-sex marriage last June. This is a response to the recent fund-raiser held for the lawmakers in New York City."New York Daily News Daily Politics:
"The senators, as you can see, are Roy McDonald, Mark Grisanti, Steve Saland and James Alesi [...] As we noted here on The Daily Politics two weeks ago, NOM is also waging a billboard campaign against the Republican quartet."WIVB Buffalo:
"The organization behind the billboard that's up along Interstate 190 also has released a new web ad called, 'Money Dance.' The ad features the four senators dancing with wealthy contributors. It's in response to a fundraiser Grisanti attended Thursday in New York City hosted by Mayor Michael Bloomberg."Buffalo News:
"The event was used as new attack material by the conservative National Organization for Marriage, which has vowed to spend $2 million to defeat Grisanti and the other Republican senators in next year's elections. The group already has taken out billboards in the senators' districts and on Friday launched an online advertisement labeled 'Money Dance' against the four lawmakers."Politics on the Hudson:
"The National Organization for Marriage is up with an online ad today against the four Republicans senators who voted in June to legalize same-sex marriage. [...] NOM has a 'Let the People Vote' campaign that is seeking to overturn the same-sex marriage law, which took effect in July, through a constitutional amendment."WNED Buffalo:
"State Senator Mark Grisanti continues to be dogged by his vote in June on the Marriage Equality bill. Grisanti was one of four Republicans who sided with Democrats to get the legislation passed. Now, critics are claiming that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg hosted a lavish fundraiser recently to pay the Senators back."
Thank you for all you do to help us break through and get the message out in all 50 states: People care about marriage!
Also in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo gets up and slams millions of Americans as bigots this week, claiming,
"Ultimately, there was no answer by the opposition. There isn't! There really isn't. And as soon as you ask the question, and you probe the answer, the only answer [by those opposed to the gay marriage bill] is 'I want to discriminate against gay people.'"
Really? For thousands of years human beings have recognized marriage as the union of male and female—for no reason but to hurt gay people?
Who is being irrational now? Where does this ugly mischaracterization lead?
The governor of New York, who is living openly in a home with his children and the woman he does not love enough to marry, and the mayor of New York City, whose children at least are grown but who also does not love the woman he lives with enough to marry her, are preaching to the rest of us about the reasons and rationality of marriage?
Does this really make any sense at all?
Finally, disturbing news out of Washington State. The Secretary of State's office on Monday began making public the names of 137,500 people who signed Referendum 71 petitions two years ago to repeal a civil union law.
The lawsuit designed to prevent the disclosure of these names, given the organized efforts to harass and threaten petition signers in Prop 8 and in Massachusetts, may have failed for now. But the two-year delay, we hope, has given the zealots time to cool their tempers and re-evaluate a strategy designed to intimidate people for exercising their core civil rights.
Please pray for each of the 137,500 and for the people who disagree with their views. Democracy demands a culture of civic respect even when we passionately morally disagree.
So much is happening behind the scenes, and under the radar screen. So many decent, good people are gathering their courage to face the onslaught that is coming.
So many victories, unpredicted and unheralded, to be fought for and won.
Thank you for all you do to make this possible.
Alone, we can be frightened and intimidated. Together we are too many to be deterred, discouraged, or defeated!
God bless you and thank you again for your prayers, your emails, your letters, and your financial sacrifices, on behalf of God's truth about marriage!
Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage
National Organization for Marriage