Learning from New York Gay Marriage debacle
One of the most serious consequences involves our right as Americans to religious liberty. When the New York legislators redefined marriage last month, they congratulated themselves for including religious exemptions.
Since the law passed, however, several town clerks have resigned from their positions rather than violate their consciences by issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples—because the religious "exemptions" simply don't cover them.
Already, same-sex marriage advocates are planning to export New York's religious "exemptions" to other states that have resisted efforts to redefine marriage so far.
And as many as half a dozen states may soon see efforts to redefine marriage or incredibly repeal marriage-protection amendments already approved by voters.
The reality of what happens when same-sex marriage is legalized is becoming increasingly clear. Good men and women of faith have been left high and dry by their elected officials and those determined to place adult desires above the needs of kids and the religious liberties of everyday Americans.
Please pray for marriage in our country, and for my team and I that the Lord will guide our steps—as we continue to stand on your behalf.