LGBT tyrants want to silence and dismiss Ruben Diaz

Mr. Diaz was elected to the New York City Council in 2017 from the Bronx. He's under attack now by the liberal media and some Council colleagues for commenting about the enormous influence the LGBT community exercises on issues before the City Council. Believe it or not, they are demanding that he resign or be removed from the Council for speaking his mind about LGBT influence!
It's disgusting that the left thinks that the right to free speech applies only to them. They are free to cheer, for example, when the state of New York passes legislation allowing babies to be killed up to the moment of birth, but they demand the resignation of a duly elected faithful Christian for having the temerity to speak about the influence of the LGBT community in city politics. What hypocrisy!
He's been the rare Democrat elected official willing to buck the powers that be in his party to stand for the truth of biblical values. His voice is desperately needed in politics today.
Chuck Limandri, the founder of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, wrote to Councilman Diaz to underscore the illegal and unconstitutional nature of efforts by some Council members to remove him from the City Council. Not only would an attempt to strip Diaz from the City Council be a highly inappropriate attempt to undermine the results of a duly-conducted election where thousands of residents voted Mr. Diaz into office, but it would be a gross violation of his civil rights. According to Mr. Limandri, pursuing this action would subject city taxpayers, and members of the City Council individually, to substantial damages including punitive damages.
The very idea that a duly-elected official could be removed from office by his colleagues for complaining about the degree of influence the LGBT community exerts in his city pretty much makes Councilman Diaz' point.