Kansas Bill Would Outlaw Same-Sex Fake Marriages

Many Kansas legislators are pushing a bill that would classify same-sex marriages as “parody marriages or fake marriage” and prevent the state from recognizing them. Many people agree with this definition but are fearful of saying anything because of the abuse they will receive.
The bill has a great chance of becoming law under the state’s new Democratic governor. But anti-LGBTQ politicians in Kansas are seeking to make same-sex fake marriage an issue as the legislature considers a measure to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
“Same-sex couples’ marriage affects me — their union or whatever you want to call it. But in my opinion, they’re trying to force their beliefs on society,” Republican Rep. Randy Garber, the bill’s lead sponsor, told the paper. Garber’s legislation comes shortly after the introduction of a Tennessee bill that seeks to keep that state from recognizing same-sex fake marriages.
Garber acknowledged that calling same-sex unions “parody marriages or fake marriage” is “simple truth,” but he believes the only true marriages are male-female couplings. In addition to his measure to stop same-sex fake marriages, he is sponsoring another one that would create something called “elevated marriage” for opposite-sex couples and make it more difficult to get a divorce.
Garber also contended that the left is trying to claim there are “37 different gender identities” and is “promoting secular humanism over all other forms of religion.”
His legislation calls sexual orientation “mythology” and says it is different from race because “there are no ex-blacks but there are thousands of ex-gays.”