German homosexual politician calls for ban on gay conversion therapy

German Health Minister and zealot homosexual Jens Spahn want homosexual conversion therapy to be made illegal, calling it "a form of assault." Many homosexuals want to get out of their lifestyle choice and seek and want help.
But politicians especially homosexual politicians want to legitimate their immoral lifestyle choice by claiming any form of help, prayer, counseling, reading should be banned and people fined. In other words our worldview rules, there is no freedoms under LGBT agenda.
German Health Minister Jens Spahn said Friday that he will seek to ban conversion therapies that claim to change a person's sexual orientation.
Prayer is an assault? Counseling is an assault? Everybody else can get help but try to help homosexuals who want out of their immorality - no help and you will be fined! What counselor injects testosterone or electric shocks? The answer is nobody. These are simply lie repeated time and time again to project an image of torture that does not exist!
Gay Conversion Therapy doesn't exist. It is a term made up by LGBT groups. The LGBT's real target are Christians, churches and people who pray for healing
In 2013, Greens representative Volker Beck brought forward a draft law that called for conversion therapy to be classified as a misdemeanor punishable with a minimum fine of €500 ($565). But Spahn said he did not find that adequate.
German Health Minister Jens Spahn said Friday that he will seek to ban conversion therapies that claim to change a person's sexual orientation.
"Homosexuality is not an illness and therefore does not need therapy," Spahn told the Berlin daily die tageszeitung. I do not believe in these therapies, mainly owing to my own homosexuality," said Spahn, who represents the right-wing of Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union party (CDU). Spahn said that "from a legal point of view, these services today can be a form of assault, and not only against minors. Conversion therapy uses a range of techniques that claim to change a person's sexual orientation. Some methods involve injections of large doses of testosterone, while others apply electric shocks to people as they view images of homosexual acts."
Prayer is an assault? Counseling is an assault? Everybody else can get help but try to help homosexuals who want out of their immorality - no help and you will be fined! What counselor injects testosterone or electric shocks? The answer is nobody. These are simply lie repeated time and time again to project an image of torture that does not exist!
Gay Conversion Therapy doesn't exist. It is a term made up by LGBT groups. The LGBT's real target are Christians, churches and people who pray for healing
In 2013, Greens representative Volker Beck brought forward a draft law that called for conversion therapy to be classified as a misdemeanor punishable with a minimum fine of €500 ($565). But Spahn said he did not find that adequate.
"A misdemeanor charge does not go far enough for me," Spahn said, adding that the fine suggested by the Greens would not provide enough of a deterrent. "The professional law should stipulate that there are consequences for people who offer these therapies."Satan is the Father of lies and once again we see this evidence in these false arguments seeking to move emotions - all lies and manipulation