Conservative Christians Just Retook the United Methodist Church from LGBT sin

The mainline denomination voted on Tuesday to toughen its teachings against sinful homosexuality, fake gay marriage, and immoral LGBTQ clergy. It must now decide whether it will stay together. The United Methodist Church has fractured over the role of sinful LGBTQ people in the denomination. At a special conference in St. Louis this week, convened specifically to address divisions over LGBTQ issues, members voted to toughen prohibitions on same-sex marriage and LGBTQ clergy. This proposal called the “One Church Plan,” was designed to keep the denomination together. Methodist delegates rejected its recommendations, instead choosing the so-called Traditional Plan, which affirmed the denomination’s teachings against homosexuality. Well done! This is a consequential vote for the future of the United Methodist Church: Many progressive churches will now almost certainly consider leaving the denomination. It’s also a reminder that many Christian denominations, including mainline gr...