Was approving homosexual marriage Angela Merkel biggest political error?
German politicians have voted to legalise immoral homosexual marriage - a move opposed by Chancellor Angela Merkel. Yet she opened the opportunity for political gain. Merkel, daughter of a pastor - should know the repercussions of such a decision.
Merkel paved the way for the law change by giving MPs a free vote, allowing them to decide based on their own personal belief. But why should MP's personal beliefs influence historic marriage. We have seen the very same if not worse imposition of personal worldviews of a very small number of US judges imposing on behalf of many millions immoral homosexual marriages based on an inheritance case.
Ms Merkel, who is seeking a fourth term in a national election on 24 September, said although she voted against the measure, she hoped it would lead to more social cohesion. Does she not read the damage this has done around the world? Homosexual agenda doesn't stop at marriage - Court cases, schools, re-educating those who disagree, removing children from Christian schools (Canada) forcing this false sexual doctrine in Schools (Australia) - all for what power?
She said: "For me, marriage in basic law is marriage between a man and a woman and that is why I did not vote in favour of this bill. I hope that the vote not only promotes respect between different opinions, but also brings more social cohesion and peace." Seeking to look good, and being fair - Merkel has made the biggest error of her career.
Supporting the move, fellow Christian Democrat Jan-Marco Luczak said: "It would be absurd to try and protect marriage by preventing people to marry." What an absurd comment. If people choose to live together that can happen, but redefining marriage is NOT the right of any political leader who selfish motive is to remain in power. This is sad.
Image:Angela Merkel says she believes marriage should be between a man and a woman
Although Mrs Merkel opened the way for the vote, Social Democrat Johannes Kahrs argued she had been a long-time opponent of gay marriage. "Many thanks for nothing," he said. Pure politics - short sighted and an epic error.
Germany has allowed same-sex couples to enter civil partnerships since 2001, but same-sex marriages remained illegal. Political observers have suggested the change will help Mrs Merkel by removing an issue that could have been used by her opponents in the September.
Merkel paved the way for the law change by giving MPs a free vote, allowing them to decide based on their own personal belief. But why should MP's personal beliefs influence historic marriage. We have seen the very same if not worse imposition of personal worldviews of a very small number of US judges imposing on behalf of many millions immoral homosexual marriages based on an inheritance case.
Ms Merkel, who is seeking a fourth term in a national election on 24 September, said although she voted against the measure, she hoped it would lead to more social cohesion. Does she not read the damage this has done around the world? Homosexual agenda doesn't stop at marriage - Court cases, schools, re-educating those who disagree, removing children from Christian schools (Canada) forcing this false sexual doctrine in Schools (Australia) - all for what power?
She said: "For me, marriage in basic law is marriage between a man and a woman and that is why I did not vote in favour of this bill. I hope that the vote not only promotes respect between different opinions, but also brings more social cohesion and peace." Seeking to look good, and being fair - Merkel has made the biggest error of her career.
Supporting the move, fellow Christian Democrat Jan-Marco Luczak said: "It would be absurd to try and protect marriage by preventing people to marry." What an absurd comment. If people choose to live together that can happen, but redefining marriage is NOT the right of any political leader who selfish motive is to remain in power. This is sad.

Although Mrs Merkel opened the way for the vote, Social Democrat Johannes Kahrs argued she had been a long-time opponent of gay marriage. "Many thanks for nothing," he said. Pure politics - short sighted and an epic error.
Germany has allowed same-sex couples to enter civil partnerships since 2001, but same-sex marriages remained illegal. Political observers have suggested the change will help Mrs Merkel by removing an issue that could have been used by her opponents in the September.