British Columbia teachers plan to use 'Day of Pink' to teach homosexual indoctrination
The British Columbia Parents and Teachers for Life (BCPTL) organization is warning parents that the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) plans to use the "Day of Pink" to indoctrinate school children with "a pro-homosexuality message."
The BCPTL points out that under the heading Day of Pink on its website, the BC Teachers' Federation "pays lip service to preventing the bullying of all students," then goes on to give suggestions for school activities which "make crystal-clear what they think the objectives of the day ought to be."
These activities include focusing on "gender role stereotyping, teasing, and homophobia."
"Discuss the harm of homophobic bullying with primary students," the BC Teachers’ Federation suggests for children as young as five.
"Use the BCTF’s 'That’s so Gay!' poster with your class," its website instructs teachers. "Ask students if they have heard the expression on the poster before and ask them if this phrase is hurtful or friendly. Talk with students about the real meaning of the word gay (i.e., two men who love one another and live together like a family). Explain what homophobia is—when others are mean to gay or lesbian people by making fun of them. Teach about acceptance of all families."
The BCPTL cautioned, "Parents of public-school children need to know what is going on that day in the schools their children attend. Some schools may celebrate the Day of Pink and allow the use of BCTF materials that in effect promote a favourable view of homosexual behaviour."
For older primary grades, the BC Teachers’ Federation suggests that teachers read books that "positively portray lesbian and gay characters in your classroom," re-purpose the Pink Panther cartoon character into a "homophobia" fighter, and look of "resources" on a homosexual website.
For secondary classes, the BCTF adds "transgender characters" to the reading list of positively portrayed lesbian and gay characters.
The BCTF introduces radical gender theory in the suggestion made for secondary classes that children "[d]iscuss the difference between “sex” (biological) and “gender” (societal). We sometimes assume that these are binary, but nature is diverse and includes many variations. It may be helpful to see gender as a spectrum, and that people may be at various places along the spectrum depending on their personalities and interests."
The BCPTL suggested that parents may want to do some alternative teaching. "Perhaps parents of students in such schools will want to excuse their children from going to school on that day, and initiate in their homes a discussion of bullying -- a discussion that is in keeping with their family values, in contrast to instruction that propagandizes, directly or indirectly, for behaviour that parents may see as immoral or unhealthy or both," the group stated.
The British Columbia Parents and Teachers for Life is asking that information from parents regarding how the "Day of Pink" is being marked in their children's schools be forwarded to them, noting that the "Day of Pink" is "only one of the events the BC Teachers' Federation plans to use for pro-homosexuality indoctrination."
"We are definitely interested in learning from parents, teachers, and others regarding how any independent or government schools may be providing for programs that form a positive alternative to the BCTF's plans for the "Day of Pink" the pro-life group concluded.
British Columbia Parents and Teachers for Life contact information is available on their website.