Kevin Rudd promotes anti-family homosexual values

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Au...
English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many Australians are disappointed with Rudd's announcement. It's very hard to understand how someone who spent years defending marriage between a man and woman now sees it as a priority to be fast tracked. 

Why the urgency to legislate immorality when Canada and the UK are clearly displaying that Homosexual advocates ignore the law, sue people who don't do what they want, get people fired from their jobs and cause community pain because they deamnd their selfish focused rights.

It's extremely strange that Rudd would even vote against changing the definition of marriage.   
I think there should be a referendum for the Australian people to decide. This is about the fifth time this has come up, in the last two or three years. It's been rejected in the parliament, but it keeps coming back because homosexual advocates are so self focused that refuse to take no for an answer for the greater good of marriage. Their behaviour would continue even after (if homosexual immoral marriage was approved) because many would still resist homosexuality. 

Homosexuals will be taking churches to court because they refuse to marry them (UK just happened) regardless of legislation which exempt religious bodies. Adoption agencies have closed. The list goes on.
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