David Cameron is ‘actual leader’ of LGBT movement after Stephen Fry pub meeting: Pro-life leader
LONDON August 19, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Prime Minister of Great Britain met in a London pub this weekend with television comedian and actor Stephen Fry to discuss the decision by the Russian government to outlaw homosexualist propaganda.
In an open letter published on his website, Fry has demanded that the government boycott the upcoming Winter Olympics, to be held in Sochi, Russia.
Stephen Fry and Peter Tatchell protest
The government and the International Olympic Committee have already ruled out the possibility of a boycott, but Cameron quickly responded to Fry’s demand with a note on Twitter, saying, “I share your deep concern about the abuse of gay people in Russia. However, I believe we can better challenge prejudice as we attend, rather than boycotting the Winter Olympics.”
Newspaper publisher Evgeny Lebedev invited Fry and Cameron to meet at The Grapes, a pub he co-owns with Sir Ian McKellen, another high-profile actor and homosexual activist.
The Daily Mail quoted “well-placed sources” who said that after the “secret” meeting over drinks with the Conservative Prime Minister, Fry was happy with the discussion and with Cameron’s explanations about why Britain should still attend the games. One source said that Cameron had assured Fry that the British delegation to the games would “make the case” for “gay rights.”
“David Cameron’s pub meeting suggests that he is now an actual leader of the homosexualist lobby, and that he prefers the company of his party’s left-wing opponents to its own traditional supporters,” Anthony Ozimic, communications manager of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), told LifeSiteNews.com.
Ozimic said, “One suspects that Mr. Cameron is privately pleased that huge numbers of pro-family Tories are fleeing from Conservative Party. All prime ministers are desperate to leave their mark on history, and Mr. Cameron is delighted to leave the destruction of true marriage as his legacy.”
But the real price of Cameron's actions will not be political. “The cost, of course, will be paid by future generations, especially children both born and unborn,” Ozimic added.
Despite the high-level advocacy, prominent homosexual campaigner Peter Tatchell expressed his skepticism over the meeting between Fry and Cameron, saying, “What’s the actual outcome of this meeting? David Cameron said he wouldn’t support a boycott of Sochi Winter Olympics but he hasn’t said what he'll do himself.”
Tatchell announced the launch of a new campaign called, “Love Russia, Hate Homophobia” that he said will involve protests during the upcoming G-20 annual meeting in St. Petersburg. “Our hope is that the London protest on September 3 will turn into a global protest,” Tatchell told the Guardian.
The meeting took place after Fry compared Russia's new “barbaric, fascist” law to measures the Nazis passed to target Jews prior to the Holocaust. “Putin is eerily repeating this insane crime, only this time against LGBT Russians,” Fry wrote.
He said, “The IOC absolutely must take a firm stance on behalf of the shared humanity it is supposed to represent against the barbaric, fascist law that Putin has pushed through the Duma.”
The Russian anti-gay propaganda law forbids “Gay Pride” parades, and promoting “non-traditional sexual concepts” to children. It outlaws promoting a “distorted understanding of social equality of traditional and non-traditional relations.”
Violators will be fined up to 5,000 rubles ($152 U.S.), and foreigners could be fined the same amount, held in jail for 15 days, and/or deported.
Officials convicted of the offense can be fined up to 50,000 rubles (about $1,500 U.S.), or 500,000 rubles for companies (about $15,000 U.S).
International pressure has been intense against the Russian law, with U.S. President, Barack Obama indicating that he will not be meeting with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at the G20.
While Obama officially cited the asylum Russia offered to intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, observers have also noted Obama’s strong ongoing criticism of the homosexual propaganda law.
That antipathy has been clearly reciprocated with Putin, in June this year, attacking the policies of the West toward the conflict in Syria, saying Russia will continue to arm the “legitimate government” there.
Speaking ahead of the G8 summit in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, June 16 Putin accused Cameron and Obama of betraying the “cultural values of Europe” by supporting Syrian rebels who have “blood on their hands.”
“If we speak calmly in cold blood, in a businesslike fashion let me draw your attention to the fact that Russia supplies arms to the legitimate government of Syria in full compliance with the norms of international law,” Putin added.
The Obama administration has come under heavy criticism for arming the rebels, even while news continues to leak out of the war-torn country of atrocities committed by Islamist rebels against the Christian population.