Denmark bishop concerned same-sex ‘marriage’ law could force unions on Catholic Church
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, June 11, 2012 ( – The Catholic Bishop of Copenhagen, Czeslaw Kozon, says he is worried that the Catholic Church in Denmark may be forced to perform “marriage” ceremonies for homosexual couples in the future.
Bishop Czeslaw Kozon of Copenhagen
Politicians in Denmark have voted to force churches in the established Evangelical Lutheran Church to perform same-sex “marriage” ceremonies inside their sanctuaries.
Since 1997, when same-sex “marriage” was legalized, homosexuals have been able to get “married” in a blessing ceremony after the normal church service, but now the unions will be part of the service as they are with heterosexual couples. The law takes effect June 15.
In an interview with Vatican Radio, Bishop Kozon said that the new law might affect Catholic churches sometime in the future. When asked if the law will be applied to other denominations and religions, Kozon replied, “We have been assured by the Minister [for Ecclesiastical Affairs] that this will not be obligatory for non-Lutheran denominations.”
However, “one never knows,” he said. “Indeed there have been voices who suggested this law should be obligatory for everybody.”