Pete Buttigieg child exploitation showcases America’s moral degradation

The stage-managing of children for the depraved goals of homosexuality and gender rebellion needs to come to an end, right now.
Pete Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana mayor running for president, affirmed a nine-year old boy’s “gay” identity in front of a cheering Denver crowd. The episode had all the earmarks of a set-up, with this boy being the pawn in a high-stakes game.
The least qualified presidential candidate in recent history, who is also a proud homosexual, needs to leave children out of his heretical, artificial quest for significance.
The stage-managing of children for the depraved goals of homosexuality and gender rebellion needs to come to an end, right now.
Pete Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana mayor running for president, affirmed a nine-year old boy’s “gay” identity in front of a cheering Denver crowd. The episode had all the earmarks of a set-up, with this boy being the pawn in a high-stakes game.
The least qualified presidential candidate in recent history, who is also a proud homosexual, needs to leave children out of his heretical, artificial quest for significance.
The stage-managing of children for the depraved goals of homosexuality and gender rebellion needs to come to an end, right now.
Pete Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana mayor running for president, affirmed a nine-year old boy’s “gay” identity in front of a cheering Denver crowd. The episode had all the earmarks of a set-up, with this boy being the pawn in a high-stakes game.
The least qualified presidential candidate in recent history, who is also a proud homosexual, needs to leave children out of his heretical, artificial quest for significance. He will sell out a nine-year-old boy on a national stage for his own selfish purposes and delude him into thinking that’s “brave.” He has misquoted and bastardized Scripture to justify his own lifestyle and progressive pablum.
Of course he would sell out America. Can there be any doubt?
And he’s a clear and present danger to faithful Christians. I can see Buttigieg coldly signing the documents for our transport on trains to “re-education” camps without missing a beat.
Because if there’s one thing coming through loud and clear — climaxing in this child endangerment stunt — it’s that he is callous, corrupt, and immature. Pete does not get the humanity thing, nor the virtue thing, nor the nobility thing.
He does not care about children. He is not a father. He has rejected that path, unless he and faux hubby construct yet another phony platform — parenthood by “two dads.”
At least his artifice is consistent. He dismisses all the Scripture about the “abomination” of his own practices and preferences and dismisses Christ’s definition of marriage (one man, one woman). He dismisses God’s description of knitting babies together in the womb in favor of far-left Democrat wisdom, that we wait until a child takes his first breath to determine the child’s worth.
Human rights? Only if Mayor Pete gives you the nod. This is why Christians cannot trust him, and no Christian should ever, ever vote for this carpetbagger.
But he says he loves the Jesus who teaches us to care for the poor. It’s the same Jesus, Pete. The same God. The sexually moral Jesus and the designer of male and female distinctions — without confusion — is the One who also feeds the thousands.
He’s the One who would forgive Mayor Pete, if he sincerely repented before Him.
Not so with the untrustworthy god that seems to occupy Mayor Pete’s limited imagination. The one who leads little boys into proudly and publicly declaring a preference for males instead of females — to help an adult male homosexual’s political ambitions.
That would not be a god. That’s a demon.
And America should run from demons, as well as from mayors who flirt with them.
Linda Harvey is president of Mission America.