Christian couple challenge fostering ban over biblical views

A Christian couple in Australia has launched legal action after they were banned from becoming foster carers due to their biblical views on LGBT issues.
Byron and Keira Hordyk said they would love a child who identifies as LGBT as their own but would help them to overcome their sin.
Despite an initially favorable report, their application was later refused on the grounds that their views would not ensure ‘a safe living environment’.
The Hordyks filed a discrimination case, saying that Wanslea Family Services would only appoint foster carers who agree with its LGBT ideology.
The couple said their views are part of their Christian faith, which the organization did not attempt to reasonably accommodate.
The Equality Opportunity Commission refused to hear their case, and it has now been referred to the State Administrative Tribunal.
Forced out
In the UK in 2003, two Christian social workers were forced out of their jobs for refusing to place children with homosexual couples.
Norah Ellis and Dawn Jackson explained that their opposition to homosexual adoption was based on their Christian conviction, as well as sound professional judgment.
But they were forced out of their jobs with Sefton Social Services, despite having almost fifty years of social work experience between them.