First animated Disney movie with openly homosexual character to debut

Onward, Disney’s first animated movie with an openly homosexual character, is set to hit theaters on Friday, March 6. Many are calling on parents to boycott the film.
The movie is about two brothers, voiced by Tom Holland and Chris Pratt, who set out on a mission to magically resurrect their father for a day.
One of the movie’s minor characters is Officer Specter, a purple cyclops police officer. In addition to being one-eyed and purple, Officer Specter, who is voiced by Lena Waithe, is also an open lesbian, reports Slate.
In one scene where Officer Specter pulls over a motorist who claims to have been distracted by his girlfriend’s kids, Waithe’s character replies by saying: “My girlfriend's daughter got me pulling my hair out.”
Though the moment apparently passes without comment, and without being “showcased” as “special,” pro-family advocates and Christians are calling for parents to boycott the film.
Disney is also the parent company of Marvel Studios, which is in the middle of producing a movie starring an “LGBT superhero.”
“It's a relentless onslaught against our children's innocence,” said Gualberto Garcia Jones, LifeSite's Director of Advocacy. “And, we parents have got to be just as relentless in rejecting Disney's attempt to sexualize our children.”
“By forcing the LGBT agenda on us, you are seriously disrespecting our values,” the petition says. “The days are now over where we would give you our hard-earned dollars just so you can turn around and offend us and our children's innocence.”
“Please do not pursue this agenda again in the future.” Petition here