Americans vastly overestimate the size of the LGBT population

In what is a testament to the marketing acumen of LGBT lobbyists and promoters, U.S. adults, on average, continue to believe that about 25% of the population is gay or lesbian, more than five times the actual number.
Overall, a full 90% believe in an inflated number, with 54% of Americans estimating that gays and lesbians constitute more than 20% of the population, according to a June 17, 2019 Gallup poll. Only 8% of those polled come close to accurately estimating the LGBT population.

“Overestimations of the nation’s gay population may in part be due to the group’s outsized visibility,” suggests Gallup, citing a GLAAD report that found that 8.8% of primetime TV characters are LGBT.
Overlooked Gallup Data Tell a Bigger, More Important Story
This most recent Gallup report was issued one day after the fourth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling which instituted same-sex “marriage” across the country.
Two years ago, Gallup published survey results that found that two years after the Obergefell decision, 10.2% of LGBT adults were “married” to a same-sex “spouse.” This was the last time such a survey was undertaken.
The findings were greeted with much fanfare.
Here are the data as charted by the Gallup organization, collected over a couple of years, most recently in June 2017:

Buried in this chart are important data that no one dared to report:
1. While it is accurate to observe that the number of gay and lesbian couples calling themselves married has increaed in recent years, and that “61% of same-sex couples who were sharing a household were married [sic],” the data also show that 13.1% of gays and lesbians continue to choose true marriage — that is, to an opposite-sex spouse — and that 4.2% choose to live with an opposite-sex partner.
While progressive pundits tout that 10.2% of gay couples are now calling themselves married to members of their own sex, they ignore the fact that a larger number, 13.1%, choose a true spouse.

Combining the stats for those who live together with those who chose marriage, here are the totals:
- Gays who choose to “marry” or live with a same-sex partner: 16.8%.
- Gays who choose to either marry or live with an opposite-sex partner: 17.3%.
Two years after the U.S. Supreme Court nationalized same-sex “marriage,” despite its universal availability, the number of gays who prefer a spouse or a partner of the opposite sex has remained fairly constant. They outnumber gays choosing “gay marriage.”
2. The second significant finding from this portion of the Gallup data is that the total percentage of same-sex couples has actually declined since the Obergefell ruling. Pre-Obergefell, the total was 20.7%. Now it is 16.8%, a significant, a nearly 19% drop in the total number of gay couples.
3. And here is perhaps a more startling statistic revealed in the Gallup data: since the Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell ruling, the percentage of gays who are single or never married has increased, not decreased. In fact, that number has increased nearly 15%, from 47.4% to 55.7%.
Is it perhaps that a large number of gays and lesbians are spooked by the availability of same-sex “marriage”? Do younger gays choose to live singly because they don’t want to give the impression to their families that they are part of a “serious couple,” in order to dissuade nosy moms, dads, siblings, and friends from nudging, “So, when are you two going to get married?”

Since Obergefell, there has been a 19% drop in gay couples and a corresponding 15% increase in the percentage of gay singles.
It seems Obergefell has had an impact on the LGBT world that no one wants to acknowledge.
Four years after the Obergefell ruling deformed the definition of civil marriage for all, many gays and lesbians continue to live lives that contradict the “wisdom” of the U. S. Supreme Court.
As it turns out, the combined wisdom and experience of millions who identify as gay or lesbian is greater than the wisdom of the five Supreme Court justices who decided for the entire country that “gay marriage” is a constitutional right.
At least for now, they continue to realize that they are not meant for “marriage” to a member of their own sex. Their life choices reflect their respect for and innate understanding of complementarity: that men and women are created for each other.