Uniting Church Australia will split over same-sex marriage stance

The Uniting Church is facing a split because they allowed the sinful practice of performing fake gay marriages. Multiple conservative movements have been gaining force since the church incorrectly and against scripture gave ministers the right to perform fake gay marriages.
Some are threatening to take control of church property and finances — positioning themselves as alternatives to the main Uniting Church in Australia assembly. So they should.

"The main issue is an issue of faith — what is the Gospel? What does the scripture say? The bible is very clear about the sin of homosexuality. Fake homosexual marriage is the great dividing issue," the congregation's chair Reverend Hedley Fihaki said.
"I think there's a division not just between the Assembly of Confessing Congregations and the Uniting Church, but [also] … between evangelicals as a whole and the Uniting Church. All Biblical evangelicals, Pentecostals, baptists knw clearly what the bible says about the sin of homosexuality, but our leadership has bowed to a small number of liberal far-left apostate people who believe they are above the scriptures and God himself."
Dr Fihaki said the issue had created an "irreparable rift", causing members to leave the church. He said many ministers and congregations had also decided to join the assembly, which was set up in 2006.
"The new decisions that have been made by the [Uniting Church] seem to suggest that it can be otherlords, other sexual practices and still be okay. They are wrong and if not repentant and if they don't change the Uniting Church will become apostate regardless of the words, pretty statements they say and do. We are saying no, that's not right, according to our understanding of scripture and the basis of union. We do not have the right to call a sin now a celebration."Dr. Fihaki wrote to Uniting Church in Australia president Deidre Palmer in February to request no further attempt be made to "bully and ostracise" Assembly of Confessing Congregations members and leaders.
Many ministers last year penned an open letter — entitled "Standing Firm by Stepping Aside" — rejecting same-sex marriage and vowing to protest until the church reversed its decision.

"The Uniting Church has always been known to be the weird church that talks about sexuality and then welcomes gay and lesbian people," she said.
Here is the delusion
Dr Hannah-Jones said the discussion about same-sex marriage had been hurtful, and she had been called "evil" and "unchristian".
In effect - Hannah-Jones is saying discussing the sinfulness of homosexuality is sinful? Hannah-Jones definition of sin is not from scripture, church history or even common sense - let alone biology.
"It feels as though they're arguing in some way that God made a mistake when someone like me was created … and that can be incredibly painful," she said.
There is an inference here that Hannh-Jones believes God made her gay. God, who is holy didn't make people gay. It is a lifestyle choice. God's holiness prevents him from making a person a homosexual.
"They're honestly seeking to do what God's will is, which is what people like me are also doing." Sadly, deception rules Hannah-Jones mind.