Christian Footballer sacked over the Bible - calls for Raelene Castle to quit

Wallabies coach Alan Jones blew up in a furious on-air tirade Folau was found guilty of the “high level” breach.
A three-person independent panel of chair John West QC, Rugby Australia (RA) representative Kate Eastman SC and the Rugby Union Players’ Association-appointed John Boultbee handed down the verdict and have now retired to decide on Folau’s sanction following an epic code of conduct hearing in Sydney.
RA boss Raelene Castle issued Folau with a breach notice last month following his controversial social media posts about homosexuals and other “sinners” and threatened to tear up his four-year, $4 million contracts.
Raelene Castle should quit as she has turned Rugby into PC politics.
The 30-year-old devout Christian took to Instagram to proclaim “hell awaits” for “drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists, idolators”.
Termination of his contract is now a possibility.
After defending Folau on the airwaves this morning, Jones — who coached the Wallabies in the 1980s and now hosts 2GB’s popular breakfast radio show — relayed a message he said he’d received from the Wallabies star.
“I’ve just had a note from Israel, he won’t mind if I’m sharing it with you because I said to him, ‘Hold your head up’,” Jones said. “He said, ‘Alan, I’m at peace, mate. My head is held high’.”
That message came after Jones said the “Orwellian treatment” of the rugby icon, combined with various recent attacks on politicians, painted a grim picture of the state of Australia.
“The Australia that our Anzacs fought for seems to be disappearing before our very eyes,” Jones said. “It prompts you to wonder what kind of society we’re living in. Nothing wrong with Israel, it’s the society and those who prosecute him who are sick. But the cancer won’t kill us, it’s the cancer that will be removed, not Israel. The Australian people won’t accept this. This is not the Australia our veterans fought for and we’re going to have to take our country back by argument and by the democratic and peaceful process — not by hate and revenge or vilification and intimidation.”
Jones also read from a speech politician Mark Latham is scheduled to give today in NSW parliament, calling it “one of the most magnificent political speeches I’ve read”.
In the speech, according to Jones, Latham says: “How did our state and our nation ever come to this? Those claiming outrage have fabricated their position solely for the purpose of censorship. “By excluding a committed Christian, they (Rugby Australia) are making their game less inclusive.No Australian should live in fear of the words they utter. “This is a stunning intrusion on workers’ rights.”
Jones continued his attack on the Folau decision after reading Latham’s words, saying he is now “ashamed” of the sport which he once played an integral role in.
“Israel Folau, with my support and the support of millions of Australians, will take this fight every inch of the way. Rugby union preaches diversity — they really mean uniformity. They preach inclusion but they exclude Israel. We take oaths of office in every court of the land. The Prime Minister is sworn in with his hand on the Bible — the same bible which Israel Folau has quoted and he’s now had his dignity, his integrity, his employment, his vocation and his income stolen from him. I coached Australian rugby, I was proud of it, I was proud of the boys and I was proud of everything we stood for. Today, I’m ashamed of the people who’ve inherited our proud legacy"