Trudeau’s Liberal govt sends millions of taxpayer dollars to promote ‘gay tourism’

Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government is giving $1 million each to Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver homosexual Pride Parades in a bid to cash in on the lucrative “LGBTQ2” sodomy tourism industry and burnish Canada’s reputation as a sodomy-friendly destination.
Tourism minister Mélanie Joly and finance minister Bill Morneau announced the fund in Toronto Tuesday when unveiling a Liberal tourism strategy that puts “investments in LGBTQ2 tourism” as a top priority.
LGBTQ “travellers, on average, vacation four to six times a year, versus one to two for other travellers, spend 33 per cent more, and are known to return to places where they had good experiences,” says a ministry news release.
“Canada already has an established reputation as one of the most LGBTQ2-friendly countries in the world, and its largest cities are routinely recognized worldwide as popular LGBTQ2 destinations.”
The money comes out of a $58.5-million Canadian Experiences Fund (CEF) intended to help communities boost their tourism sector.
The Liberals have designated promoting homosexual and transgender events as one of the five “pillars” of the CEF. Unbelievable, people should ask for their tax money to be spent on roads and edication and not on sodomy promotion
They gave $100,000 to Fierté Canada Pride to help LGBTQ groups across Canada access the CEF to pay for local Pride events, according to ministry spokesperson Jeremy Ghio.
The CBC reported in January that Pride Toronto remains embroiled in controversy over police participation after a 2016 Black Lives Matter protest on this point.
And Edmonton’s Pride Festival announced in April it was cancelling this summer’s event, reportedly after Shades of Colour, a group advocating for “queer and trans Black folks, Indigenous folks and people of colour,” presented the Pride committee with several demands, GlobalNews reported at the time.
But funding Pride events isn’t just about generating tourist dollars; it’s about justice for homosexual and transgender individuals, according to Morneau, the M.P. for Toronto Centre who regularly marches in Toronto’s Pride Parade.
“Pride celebrations bring tons of business and tourism to Canada, but more importantly they’re a significant part of the ongoing path to full equality for LGBTQ2 Canadians,” he said.
“This funding will help LGBTQ2 Canadians continue to share their history and story with the rest of the country and the world.”
Bill Morneau
Great news for @PrideToronto and our Toronto Centre community! Our Government is investing in Prides across Canada to support these celebrations and help LGBTQ2 Canadians continue to share their story with the world.
Mélanie Joly
Canada was built around shared values of diversity, equity, and security and our new strategy reflects those values. I was with my friend @Bill_Morneau to announce more:
↗️LGBTQ2 Diversity Training and Market Readiness programs; and
🏳️🌈Funds for Pride festivals.
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As well as aggressively promoting abortion, the Trudeau Liberals have consistently bankrolled the homosexual agenda, with Morneau’s 2019 budget allocating $20 million over two years to fund “LGBTQ2+ service organizations,” and an “additional $1.2 million in 2020-21 is proposed to support the ongoing establishment of the LGBTQ2+ Secretariat.”
The Liberals also earmarked $30 million over five years, and $10 million every year after that, to push the LGBTQ agenda in developing countries as part of Canada’s international aid.
Trudeau is also famously the first Canadian prime minister to march in a homosexual Pride Parade, a commitment he’s kept up since 2016, as well as bringing his wife and two eldest children along the next year.
While sometimes touted as “family friendly,” Pride Parades are designed to flaunt homosexuality and transsexuality, and they notoriously and routinely feature participants engaging in simulated homosexual acts or clad in nothing but sadomasochistic bondage gear or performing lewd dancing or marching fully naked.
Moreover, as homosexuality and transsexuality become normalized, the parades have burgeoned into a full month of Pride “celebrations” in June.
American Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island, warned Catholics last year to be “very wary of events” marking Pride month.
“It’s not a fun-filled, family-friendly celebration of respect. It promotes a lifestyle and agenda that, in the extreme, is morally offensive,” Tobin tweeted.
Similarly, Pope Saint John Paul II expressed “deep sadness” at the “offence to the Christian values” when a homosexual Pride Parade took place in Rome in 2000.
“Homosexual acts are contrary to the natural law,” he said in a July 9 address delivered from a balcony over St. Peter’s Square.
“The Church cannot be silent about the truth, because she would fail in her fidelity to God the Creator and would not help to distinguish good from evil.”
Campaign Life Coalition, Canada’s national pro-life, pro-family political lobbying group, blasted the Liberal move.
“It is not surprising that the same government that discriminates against pro-life and pro-family organizations by denying these organizations government funding unless they reject their deeply held beliefs and convictions is willing to dish out millions of taxpayer dollars to Pride parades, which celebrate lifestyles that are contrary to natural law, and feature public nudity and sexually obscene behaviour,” said Campaign Life president Jeff Gunnarson.
“Every person has inherent dignity and was created in the image and likeness of God, and God’s mercy is infinite for those who seek it,” he added.
To respectfully express your views, contact:
Bill Morneau
Minister of Finance
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613.992.1377
Mélanie Joly
Minister of Tourism
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-0983
For contact information on your M.P., go here.