Transgender changed from mental health issue to happy lifestyle choice?

The World Health Organization took what many doctors believe is a backward and harmful step towards removing the 'mental health stigma' around transgender people because the WHO was under pressure to reclassify transgenderism away from mental and behavioral disorders. The exact same events happened with homosexuality with APA - where a vote was taken (on science) because of pressure from homosexuals outside APA and some inside. So why change? That's answer...just ideological pressure and nothing else. Here is the big lie: "It was taken out from mental health disorders because we had a better understanding that this was not actually a mental health condition, and leaving it there was causing stigma." said Dr. Lale Say, a WHO reproductive health expert. So what is the better understanding? Again...silence. Why was it a mental health issue in the first place because the person was confused identity leading to mental health issues. But now o...