Brazil’s new president declares ‘God above all,’ vows to fight gender ideology

Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro was sworn into office on the first of January, and wasted no time in expressing his intention to lead the country in accordance with “Judeo-Christian” principles and to defend the institution of the family against “destructive” gender ideology and “political correctness.”
In his address to Brazil’s National Congress, Bolsonaro promised that “we are going to unite the people, value the family, respect religions and our Judeo-Christian tradition, combat gender ideology, conserving our values.”
“Brazil will return to being a country free of the chains of ideology,” added Bolsonaro. “My electoral campaign listened to the call of the streets and forged a commitment to place Brazil first and God above all.”
Promises to restore Brazil from collapse in moral values
The country’s new president noted the catastrophic effects of the collapse of moral values that had occurred in recent decades in Brazil under socialist rule. Brazil has seen a massive surge in crime in recent years and homosexuality and gender ideology have been on display in government-funded parades and in public school indoctrination.
“Irresponsibility has brought us to the greatest ethical, moral, and economic crisis in our history,” lamented Bolsonaro in his address to the Congress. “Today we begin an arduous task to begin for Brazil a new chapter in our history, a chapter in which Brazil will be seen as a strong, powerful, confident, and bold.”
“I place myself before the whole nation, on this day, as the day in which the people began to liberate itself from socialism, from the inversion of values, from big government, and from political correctness,” he later told a crowd in front of the country’s presidential palace, where he will carry out his duties.
“We cannot allow destructive ideologies to divide the Brazilian people, ideologies that destroy our values and traditions, destroy our families, which are the foundation of our society. And I invite everyone to begin a movement in this sense,” said Bolsonaro in the same speech. “We can – I, you, and our families, all of us together – reestablish ethical and moral standards that will transform our Brazil.”
Thank God for saving him from an assassination attempt
Bolsonaro thanked God for saving him from an assassination attempt by a mentally disturbed leftist that almost cost him his life during the campaign. After he was stabbed and then saved from bleeding to death through a “miraculous operation” by doctors at a local hospital, Bolsonaro’s already-leading candidacy soared in popularity, leading to his victory in the elections.
“First, I wish to thank God for the fact that I am alive, that a truly miraculous operation was done (on me) by the hands of the professionals of the Holy House of Juiz de Fora (hospital). Thank you, my God,” Bolsonaro said in his speech to the National Congress.
“When the enemies of the country, of order, and of liberty, tried to put an end to my life, millions of Brazilians went to the streets,” noted Bolsonaro. “An electoral campaign was transformed into a civic movement, covered itself in green and yellow, became spontaneous, strong, and indestructible, and brought us here.”New human rights minister strongly pro-life, opposed to LGBT indoctrination
Bolsonaro’s new minister for Women, the Family, and Human Rights, Damares Alves, also made it clear that her Christian values will inform her leadership of the ministry, rather than political correctness. Her stance has already led to death threats against her, which she says were the reason that she did not allow her daughter to attend her assumption of the ministry.
Alves says that she wants to make the right to life a fundamental principle of her administration of the ministry. “When I talk about life, I’m talking about life from conception,” she told the media. “I wanted our ministry to be called the ‘Ministry of Life and of Joy,’ but that wasn’t possible.
“If it depends on this ministry, innocent blood will no longer be shed,” she added, referring to the killing of the unborn through abortion, which is illegal in most circumstances in Brazil.
She also made it clear that the indoctrination of gender ideology in the nation’s public schools would no longer be government policy. “In this government, a girl will be a princess and a boy will be a prince. No one is going to impede us from calling girls princesses and boys princes. We are going to do away with the abuse of ideological indoctrination.”
Alves addressed the related issue of child sex abuse by pedophile “sex tourists,” a major problem facing Brazil under its previous gay-friendly government. “Attention pedophiles: the fun is over, Bolsonaro is president,” she told the press.
Regarding her Christian faith, Alves recognized that “the government is secular, but this minister is terribly Christian. I believe in the ways of God.”
Brazilian media noted that LGBT “rights” had been removed from the tasks assigned by Bolsonaro to be overseen by Alves. However, Alves told the media that her administration would continue to protect such rights as they were previously recognized in Brazilian law.
Read more extended quotes from Jair Bolonaro’s two inaugural speeches
Quotes from address to the National Congress:
“First, I wish to thank God for the fact that I am alive, that a truly miraculous operation was done (on me) by the hands of the professionals of the Holy House of Juiz de Fora (hospital). Thank you, my God. I return with humility to this House where, for 28 years, I worked to serve the Brazilian nation, fighting great battles, and I accumulated experiences and training that gave me the opportunity to grow and to mature.”
“I take advantage of this solemn moment and call on each one of the members of Congress to aid me in the mission of restoring and rebuilding our country, liberating it definitively from the yoke of corruption, criminality, economic irresponsibility and ideological submission. We have before us a unique opportunity to reconstruct our country and to rescue the hope of our compatriots.”
“Therefore, when the enemies of the country, of order, and of liberty, tried to put an end to my life, millions of Brazilians went to the streets. An electoral campaign was transformed into a civic movement, covered itself in green and yellow, became spontaneous, strong, and indestructible, and brought us here. None of this would have happened without the effort and the commitment of every Brazilian who went to the streets to preserve our liberty and democracy. I reaffirm my commitment to construct a society without discrimination or division.”
“I am certain that we will confront enormous challenges, but if we have the wisdom to listen to the voice of the people, we will achieve success in our objectives and by our example and our work we will bring future generations to follow us in our glorious task. We are going to unite the people, value the family, respect religions and our Judeo-Christian tradition, combat gender ideology, conserving our values. Brazil will return to being a country free of the chains of ideology . . . My electoral campaign listened to the call of the streets and forged a commitment to place Brazil first and God above everything.”
“Irresponsibility has brought us to the greatest ethical, moral, and economic crisis in our history. Today we begin an arduous task to begin for Brazil a new chapter in our history, a chapter in which Brazil will be seen as a strong, powerful, confident, and bold. Foreign policy will reassume its role in the defense of sovereignty, in the construction of greatness and in promoting the development of Brazil.”
Quotes from address at the Presidential Palace (Palacio do Planalto):
“It is with humility and honor that I address you all as President of Brazil. And I place myself before the whole nation, on this day, as the day in which the people began to liberate itself from socialism, from the inversion of values, from big government, and from political correctness.”
“We cannot allow destructive ideologies to divide the Brazilian people, ideologies that destroy our values and traditions, destroy our families, which are the foundation of our society. And I invite everyone to begin a movement in this sense. We can – I, you, and our families, all of us together – reestablish ethical and moral standards that will transform our Brazil.”
“We face the great challenge of confronting the effects of the economic crisis, of record unemployment, of the ideological indoctrination of our children, of the corruption of human rights, of the deconstruction of the family. We will propose and implement the necessary reforms. We will increase the infrastructure, reduce bureaucracy, simplify, and eliminate the distrust and the weight of the government over those who work and produce.”
“It is also urgent to do away with the ideology that defends thugs and criminalizes the police, that has made Brazil experience an increase in levels of violence and in the power of organized crime, that takes away the lives of innocent people, destroys families and brings insecurity everywhere. Our preoccupation will be with the safety of people of good will and the guarantee of the right of property and of legitimate defense, and our commitment is to value and support the work of all of the security forces.”