Australian Labor Party - Criminalising Gay Conversion Therapy

The Australian Labor Party controlled by LGBT politicians considered a policy proposal to criminalize ex-gay conversion therapy. The party had originally had, in its draft platform, a policy that "opposes the practice of conversion and reparative therapies on diverse sexuality and genders and seeks to criminalize these practices".
The policy was welcomed by LGBTI zealots but was a cause for concern for the Australian Christian Lobby, which said the policy would result in Christian parents having their children taken away if they seek counseling for them if their child says they are same-sex attracted.
"To group religious beliefs, prayer or voluntary counseling in the same category as coercion, electric shock therapy, and bizarre boot camps is dishonest. It smuggles a chilling non-existant ideological agenda into the conversion therapy issue," Australian Christian Lobby managing director Martyn Iles said in a blog post.
Labor senator Louise Pratt, a spokesperson for Rainbow Labor said the decision was made based on recommendations from a La Trobe study on conversion therapy, which was released earlier this year, and the party was more strongly committed against conversion therapy than ever. The study was totally biased written by homosexuals with an agenda. Their website is not research but advocacy for the sin of homosexuality:
"Our research advances social justice and inclusion: we explore, theorize, recognize and defend human, sexual, gender and embodied experiences. Our research emphasizes and explores the intersections between theory, lived experience and policy."
Martyn Iles, managing director of the ACL said, “The overwhelming majority of Christians would never have heard of or even imagined the kind of ‘therapy’ seen in Boy Erased and would wholeheartedly condemn it.”
In fact, many who successfully counsel homosexuals out of their lifestyle choices never use the phrase reparative conversion therapy, never coerce, never use electric shock therapy (false accusation) never force an issue, never shout, embarrass, humiliate the client, intimidate, send to re-orientation camps - NONE of these things happen!! NONE.
Christian counselors simply work with the person who wants to desperately leave homosexuality they use standard counseling techniques that ALL counselors use, except the power of God is also available to make all things new. The problem is LGBT ideology doesn't permit or believe it should happen. In other words their strident warped ideology condemns people to a dangerous lustful lifestyle.
“The Australian Christian Lobby is concerned that Boy Erased will give the false impression that many Christians approve of gay conversion therapy. That would be totally incorrect. Boy Erased story is tragic and we condemn what was done to Garrard Conley without reservation.”
However, Mr Iles cautioned that the ‘conversion therapy’ label was being used too loosely in political debate.
“The Australian Labor Party’s current policy platform uses the term ‘conversion therapy’ in an absurdly loose way, to potentially refer to anything less than positive affirmation. The ALP policy appears to call parents ‘domestic and psychological abusers’ when they do not wholeheartedly affirm their child’s nominated gender identity or sexuality at any given time. The ALP policy could only have one result if implemented: most religious parents would be targeted as abusers by the government. Boy Erased-style conversion therapy ought to be condemned, but so should using such a loaded term to attack good parents who simply want to raise families consistent with their religious and moral convictions.”
“To group religious beliefs, prayer or voluntary counselling in the same category as coercion, electric shock therapy and bizarre boot camps is dishonest. It smuggles a chilling ideological agenda into the conversion therapy issue,” said Mr Iles.
The Australian Labor party is displaying bias and ignorance purely for votes. This is damaging real people with real problems