Twitter suspends commentator Mark Dice for saying transsexualism is a mental illness
Mark Dice, famous for YouTube video interviews with random passers-by in public spaces, says that his Twitter account was suspended Thursday of last week after he implied that transgenderism is a mental illness.
The exchange that led to Dice’s suspension began with a tweet by Dice on April 10, in which he wrote, “58 different genders wasn't ‘inclusive’ enough for Facebook, so now instead of picking from a list of options, that section is a 'fill in the blank.' The company is embracing mental illness on a massive scale. #Zuckerberg”.
An outraged reader named “Davon” tweeted back to Dice, “Are you calling gender identity a mental illness? The fact that you're able to tweet this [EXPLETIVE] is proof enough that there's [no] liberal social media bias.”
Dice then responded to “Davon,” writing, “All of them but two, yes.”
Soon after the exchange, Dice’s response disappeared from his Twitter feed, and Dice announced via Facebook that Twitter had suspended his account until he agreed to delete the tweet.

“This is the tweet Twitter is trying to force me to delete, for 'violating' their terms of service,” wrote Dice. “They locked me out of my account until I 'agree' that what I said was wrong!”
“My reply was to a question someone tweeted to me asking if the countless gender expressions were a mental illness,” Dice continued. “It's time Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey gets grilled by Congress about the censorship of Conservatives. Unbelievable.”
Dice encouraged supporters to post the screen shot of his deleted tweet and send it to Twitter’s support accounts to encourage the company to “stop being cyber-fascists.”
“Peanut butter isn't a gender, you lunatics! Neither are the dozens of others that Cultural Marxists have concocted, and that Twitter, Facebook and YouTube embrace. The Left needs to stop this mass-mental illness,” wrote Dice.

It appears that the suspension lasted through the weekend, and was lifted on Monday. It is unclear how it was resolved.
Transsexualism, or “Gender Identity Disorder” is a category of mental illness that has long appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. The current edition of the manual, the “DSM-5,” changed the name of the condition from “transsexualism” to “gender dysphoria,” but the criteria for the condition remain largely the same, and continue to be the subject of psychiatric treatment. Nonetheless, many institutions now treat “transsexualism” as a legitimate form of social identity, and persecute those who hold to the psychiatric understanding of the condition as a mental disorder.
“Mark Dice,” whose real name is Mark Shouldice, has made a name for himself on the internet by posting YouTube videos of his “Man on the Street Interviews” with random passers-by who exhibit a disturbing ignorance of historical and political facts. Shouldice also posts videos criticizing “Social Justice Warriors,” gender ideology, and Democrat politicians.