National Surveys Show Decline in Support for Same-sex 'Marriage'
National Surveys Show Decline in Support for Same-sex 'Marriage'
We reported last week about the phenomenal change in public opinion concerning the public's support for same-sex 'marriage' as documented by a national survey conducted by theAssociated Press/Gfk. The AP/GfK survey found support for SSM down 6 points since April, and opposition up by 4 points — a combined 10 point swing in public opinion.
Two other national polls have been released, both showing a similar trend. Ipsos/Reuters found in its most recent survey that 51% of adults support same-sex 'marriage,' down 3 points since April.
And the latest Gallup poll showed support for same-sex 'marriage' at 58% with opposition at 40%. As we've pointed out previously, the support number is artificially high due to Gallup's use of the dubious practice of "priming" whereby they ask a leading question designed to elicit support for same-sex couples right before asking about gay 'marriage.' Still, the latest Gallup survey shows a 5 point shift in public opinion against SSM, with support down 2 points and opposition up 3 points. Typical of their bias in support of redefining marriage, Gallup describes this 5 point shift as "stable."
Is This Shift Being Caused By Arrogant Scolds?
That is the theory posited by David French in a provocative piece at National Review. He blames same-sex supporters — whom he includes in a group called "Social Justice Warriors" — for their over-the-top reaction on social media to the Supreme Court decision. Says French, "The Social Justice Warriors forgot that most Americans just don't like mean people. And in one two-week span of American life, millions of SJWs helpfully and unmistakably labeled themselves with their rainbow profile pictures, then proceeded to act like hectoring, condescending, arrogant scolds — loudly and publicly, day after day. They were mean. They mocked Christians, celebrated the plight of a Christian baker's family as it faced financial ruin for refusing to facilitate a gay wedding, and kept pointing at the Supreme Court and the White House as if they represented some sort of cosmic scoreboard — as if the only response for conservatives was to take their ball, slink away, and go home."
That is the theory posited by David French in a provocative piece at National Review. He blames same-sex supporters — whom he includes in a group called "Social Justice Warriors" — for their over-the-top reaction on social media to the Supreme Court decision. Says French, "The Social Justice Warriors forgot that most Americans just don't like mean people. And in one two-week span of American life, millions of SJWs helpfully and unmistakably labeled themselves with their rainbow profile pictures, then proceeded to act like hectoring, condescending, arrogant scolds — loudly and publicly, day after day. They were mean. They mocked Christians, celebrated the plight of a Christian baker's family as it faced financial ruin for refusing to facilitate a gay wedding, and kept pointing at the Supreme Court and the White House as if they represented some sort of cosmic scoreboard — as if the only response for conservatives was to take their ball, slink away, and go home."
It's Not Just Social Conservatives Who Object To Forcing Marriage Supporters To Bake The Gay Cake

Jesse Bartholomew identifies himself as a gay wedding cake baker and he has some strong words for his fellow LGBT supporters who believe they can force someone to participate in same-sex weddings despite their religious objections. Referencing the ongoing attempt to punish Aaron and Melissa Klein, who are Christians, for refusing the bake a gay 'wedding' cake in violation of their Christina beliefs, Bartholomew produced a videocondemning the LGBT community for demanding that those who disagree with SSM must still bake a cake for them. He says in the video, "I bake wedding cakes for a living. I cannot tell you how disgusted I am with my fellow gay and lesbian community that they would stoop so low as to force someone to bake a cake for them who simply doesn't agree with them...It's plain and simple. You are bullying someone. You are forcing someone. You are being a Nazi and forcing someone to bake a damn wedding cake for you when there are hundreds of other gays and lesbians that would gladly have your business. Shame on you."
The YouTube video has gone viral, with over 84,000 views.
And Speaking of Aaron and Melissa Klein...
I'm sure you are familiar with the case brought by the state of Oregon against the owners of the Sweet Cakes By Melissa bakery, Aaron and Melissa Klein. This Christian couple declined to bake a cake celebrating a same-sex wedding (at a time when gay 'marriage' was illegal in Oregon) because doing so violated their deeply held religious beliefs about marriage. They were charged with discrimination by the state and fined $135,000. When supporters of marriage and religious liberty came to realize that the fine could bankrupt the Kleins, a fundraising program was started on the GoFundMe website that raised $109,000 to support the Kleins. Sadly, GoFundMe then caved in to pressure by gay activists and changed their rules to prohibit fundraising campaigns for people like the Kleins. (They agreed to let the Kleins keep the money already raised.) Outraged, another crowd sourcing site, ContinueToGive, stepped in and launched a new fundraising campaign. The other day it was announced that the fundraising campaign had raised $352,000 to help the Kleins — the most in the history of the website.

All told, nearly half a million dollars has been contributed to the Kleins by an estimated 10,000 donors as a show of support for their principled stand in defense of marriage. Wow...that is impressive!
These people are the silent majority, the folks whose opinions are finally impacting public opinion polls, the same people who helped make up the more than 50 million voters who passed state laws preserving traditional marriage in nearly three dozen state elections.
These are the people who apparently didn't get the memo from our supreme rulers that the fight to preserve marriage is supposedly over.

Jesse Bartholomew identifies himself as a gay wedding cake baker and he has some strong words for his fellow LGBT supporters who believe they can force someone to participate in same-sex weddings despite their religious objections. Referencing the ongoing attempt to punish Aaron and Melissa Klein, who are Christians, for refusing the bake a gay 'wedding' cake in violation of their Christina beliefs, Bartholomew produced a videocondemning the LGBT community for demanding that those who disagree with SSM must still bake a cake for them. He says in the video, "I bake wedding cakes for a living. I cannot tell you how disgusted I am with my fellow gay and lesbian community that they would stoop so low as to force someone to bake a cake for them who simply doesn't agree with them...It's plain and simple. You are bullying someone. You are forcing someone. You are being a Nazi and forcing someone to bake a damn wedding cake for you when there are hundreds of other gays and lesbians that would gladly have your business. Shame on you."
The YouTube video has gone viral, with over 84,000 views.
And Speaking of Aaron and Melissa Klein...
I'm sure you are familiar with the case brought by the state of Oregon against the owners of the Sweet Cakes By Melissa bakery, Aaron and Melissa Klein. This Christian couple declined to bake a cake celebrating a same-sex wedding (at a time when gay 'marriage' was illegal in Oregon) because doing so violated their deeply held religious beliefs about marriage. They were charged with discrimination by the state and fined $135,000. When supporters of marriage and religious liberty came to realize that the fine could bankrupt the Kleins, a fundraising program was started on the GoFundMe website that raised $109,000 to support the Kleins. Sadly, GoFundMe then caved in to pressure by gay activists and changed their rules to prohibit fundraising campaigns for people like the Kleins. (They agreed to let the Kleins keep the money already raised.) Outraged, another crowd sourcing site, ContinueToGive, stepped in and launched a new fundraising campaign. The other day it was announced that the fundraising campaign had raised $352,000 to help the Kleins — the most in the history of the website.

All told, nearly half a million dollars has been contributed to the Kleins by an estimated 10,000 donors as a show of support for their principled stand in defense of marriage. Wow...that is impressive!
These people are the silent majority, the folks whose opinions are finally impacting public opinion polls, the same people who helped make up the more than 50 million voters who passed state laws preserving traditional marriage in nearly three dozen state elections.
These are the people who apparently didn't get the memo from our supreme rulers that the fight to preserve marriage is supposedly over.