Vatican official: Gay marriage a “revolutionary project” for “complete destruction of the family”
ROME, March 14, 2013 ( – The doctrine of “equal marriage” is a slogan created by post-Christian, socialist revolutionaries as a political tool to create a totally new cultural paradigm of morality that can only be implemented after the “complete destruction of the family unit,” a high-level Vatican official told an audience in Britain last week.
Bishop Jean Laffitte, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, spoke to an audience at the Student Union Hall of St. Mary’s University College in Twickenham on “Marriage and the Family in a Culture of Relativism."
Vatican Family Secretary Jean Laffitte does not see redefining marriage as a civil rights issue.
He warned of a massive, international effort to rewrite social norms in the formerly Christian countries of the West that has resulted in the “extremely rapid extension” of laws “that endanger the very survival of the family.”
He affirmed what many in the pro-family movment have long believed, that the push for “gay marriage” is not coming exclusively from homosexual lobbyists, but from a more sinister international cadre of highly placed secularist social engineers seeking a radical alteration of the foundational ideas of Western Civilization.
The “evolution” of these legal and social changes, he said, have become “much more severe and rapid” even in the last three years, “than we could have thought.” Primary among these legal changes, he said, are the creation of legal recognition of unions of the same-sex, that he said are “abusively called marriage.” These have been the result of the growth of “relativism around sexual differentiation” that started only “a few years ago.”
Edmund Adamus director for Marriage and Family in Westminster, told that Bishop Laffitte’s talk “set the scene” to explore not only the “centrality of the family in the life of society” but also that “marriage and family is at the heart of the mission of the Church as the primary agent of evangelization.”
“The bishop was forthright in his realism about how the worldwide attack upon family values finds its root and certainly its most dangerous expression in the normalization both through law and social policy of the active homosexual lifestyle.”
The institution of “egalitarian marriage,” as it was called by these activists in the government in Argentina, is a “central point of a true revolutionary project that seeks to overturn the most fundamental structures of social life,” Bishop Laffitte said.
Emphasizing that this is not merely his own personal interpretation, he quoted the French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, who called the recently passed French “gay marriage” bill “a true change of civilization.” In France, the government’s efforts to effect this civilizational change have not been restricted to changing the laws. Indoctrination into the new paradigm starts early, with children as young as two in nursery schools inundated by the “equality” ideology. Laffitte quoted the French Minister of Education saying that this is necessary “in order to tear away every possible social philosophical family and religious determinism.”
Such examples, Bishop Laffitte said, are not merely random items, but the “foundation of an alternative system of morality…that will be fully established after the complete destruction of the family unit as it has been understood for centuries and around which the social fabric of the most advanced societies have gradually been built and consolidated.”
He tracked the process used by such activists to normalise “sexual relativism,” using homosexuality as a wedge issue by using “equality” propaganda.
He noted that the “diffusion of the ideology of gender and the denial of the original and essential character of sexual complementarity” has been achieved with great haste.
Starting in the 1990s, he said, “one could see the intent to trivialize the exercise of the sexual faculty between persons of the same sex.” This brought on the “spread of behaviors which expressed ethical relativism – about which [Pope] Benedict XVI had warned of in many instances. [These] began to exert their influences and take their toll in public morality and society at large.”
Until the 1990s homosexuality was considered a “moral taboo” by pastors and moralists, “a transgression on an ethical level.”
“No one could have ever imagined that what was accepted in a great majority of cultures regarding the definition of marriage would soon by the object of radical reconsideration," he said. “Such convictions of bygone times no longer exist, and therefore in almost all cultures the Church is faced today with challenges that were inconceivable even half a century ago.”
He said he is convinced that the “accelerated nature” of the “innovation” of legal recognition of homosexual unions is a signal that “there is a deliberate intention to transverse culture and finally to impose a new morality and a new organization of life in society.”
He related the story of his visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina, the former diocese of the new Pope Francis, where he met with several legislators to discuss the push to create “gay marriage.” Some of them pointed out, he said, “that for the first time the government had made use of a legal argument that seemed impossible for them to contradict: the argument of ‘equality.’”
This doctrine of “equality,” he said is being used to “justify the initiative of a totally revolutionary law.”
“These parliament members,” he said, “perfectly understood that the principle of equality is almost infallible,” and provided a means to “marginalize the opposition.”
After his trip to Argentina, Bishop Laffitte travelled to France where he warned family associations that, “after a delay of several months” the “equality” language would be employed to force “gay marriage” into “several different countries, beginning with France.”
He noted that at a large meeting of families in Argentina, he learned from their testimony that the new law had “not only divided the citizens,” but “greatly weakened the unity within the families themselves.”
“Everyone said that it had become impossible to talk about these issues in the family,” he stated. Children in schools and young men and women in universities, he said, “are subjected to relentless propaganda.”
Huge billboards greet visitors to Buenos Aires with the slogan, “Argentina; an egalitarian country,” and “Argentina; an inclusive country.”
Quoting Pope Benedict XVI, Laffitte said that when the lifelong commitment of natural marriage is “repudiated,” the “key figures of human existence likewise vanish. Father, mother child, essential elements of the experience of being human are lost."