Do we love those inclined to homosexuality enough to stop same-sex ‘marriage’?
In this battle over same-sex ‘marriage’ it often sounds like those pushing the dismantling of traditional marriage have the upper hand in terms of love. ‘You are opposed to love!’; ‘How does the love between me and my partner affect you in your marriage?’; ‘Why can’t I be allowed to love whomever I choose?’
These are the tough arguments from ‘love’ facing those who are fighting to protect marriage from radical redefinition.
In truth, however, love is the principle reason to fight same-sex ‘marriage.’
You see, law is a teacher and enshrining same-sex ‘marriage’ in law would lead many people to believe that homosexual sexual relations are equal to those of heterosexual married couples. The difficulty, of course, is that while sexual acts between heterosexual married couples can be totally healthy and positive, the same can never be said of sexual acts between persons of the same sex, whether they happen within a relationship given the name “marriage” or not.
Our bodies were not designed for that behavior, and our anatomy itself gives that testimony. The negative mental and physical health consequences that flow from homosexual sex are many and the medical evidence pointing to them is readily available on LifeSiteNews.
But, if you question the science, at least listen to homosexual activists themselves describe the many woes experienced by practicing homosexuals. On Feb 17, 2009 Canada's largest gay paper XTRAreported on a group of homosexual activists who were demanding Canada’s healthcare system pay more attention to the “gay community.”
Gens Hellquist, one of the complainants, was the executive director of the Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition a leading homosexual activist group. He explained at length his concerns about the health status of homosexual men and women in Canada:
"We have one of the poorest health statuses in this country ... Health issues affecting queer Canadians include lower life expectancy than the average Canadian, suicide, higher rates of substance abuse, depression, inadequate access to care and HIV/AIDS.""There are all kinds of health issues that are endemic to our community. We have higher rates of anal cancer in the gay male community, lesbians have higher rates of breast cancer ... the reality is there is (sic) more GLBT people in this country who die of suicide each year than die from AIDS, there are more who die early deaths from substance abuse than die of HIV/AIDS. ...“Now that we can get married everyone assumes that we don't have any issues any more. A lot of the deaths that occur in our community are hidden, we don't see them. Those of us who are working on the front lines see them and I'm tired of watching my community die."
The famed atheist Penn once pointed out that if you believe in a heaven and a hell, then it would be an act of "hate" not to proselytize. So what message do we send my legalizing gay "marriage"?
But beyond the physical and psychological damage the homosexual lifestyle causes, there are also the spiritual costs, which can be eternal.
It is love that compels a parent to remove a child from a dangerous situation, even when that child is complaining about his parents being mean for depriving him of his fun. It would not be love at all to allow your little child to harm himself by engaging in dangerous activities.
It is not easy to speak out against homosexuality today. It doesn’t make you popular, it may soon cost you your friends, reputation and even your job as it has for some already in North America.
But if you believe in the eternal consequences for sexual sin, you cannot stay silent. To do so would in fact be a true act of hate.
Even a committed atheist can see that. Penn Jillette, of the famous Christian-bashing show Penn and Teller, said these words back in 2008:
"If you believe that there's a heaven and hell, and that people could be going to hell or not getting eternal life or whatever, and you think that it's not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward ... - how much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible, and not tell them that?”
So, do we love people inclined to homosexual sex enough to tell them that it’s bad for them, even though telling them that is socially awkward? Enshrining same-sex ‘marriage’ is putting society’s stamp of approval on homosexual sex. Do we love those with homosexual tendencies enough to stop it?