Choose your own gender for your Aussie passport?
People will be able to choose what gender they want to be listed as on new Australian passports, even if they have not undergone a sex change.
In the past, Australians could only change their gender on their passports if they had had a sex change operation or were travelling to get one.
Now the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has introduced new guidelines so that instead of surgery, all that is needed is a letter of support from a medical practitioner.
Labor Senator Louise Pratt says international travel can be downright dangerous for people whose appearance does not match the gender listed on their passport. The changes mean Australians can identify their sex of choice and select Male, Female or X. Senator Pratt is the first member of Federal Parliament to have a transgendered partner, who was born female but has transitioned to male. The Labor Federal Government is now captive to the Gay militants of Australia.