Abolish heterosexism: pro-homosexual activists knocking at door of Ontario’s Catholic schools again
As the homosexual agenda continues to infiltrate the Catholic educational system in Ontario under the guise of anti-bullying programs, a newer and potentially more sinister homosexual program has already come knocking at the schools’ doors this fall.
Chris D’Souza, one of the draftees of McGuinty’s Equity strategy, explains his support for homosexual “marriage" during an April 18 Catholic school board meeting on the board’s equity policy.
LifeSiteNews.com has obtained a copy of a letter signed by Chris D’Souza, director of Harmony Movement, which was apparently sent to all of Ontario’s Catholic school trustees at the beginning of September. The letter promotes Harmony Movement’s brand of “diversity education” that aims to equip students and teachers in the “fight” against “heterosexism.”
The Harmony Movement program, he said, is a tool for promoting “equity and inclusive education,” “student leadership,” and “youth empowerment.”
“Your support in passing on this program information to your schools, principals, and other interested parties would be greatly appreciated,” wrote D’Souza in the letter.
D’Souza shocked Catholics and pro-family activists earlier this year when he openly proclaimed his support for same-sex “marriage” as an invited speaker for a consultation meeting with parents of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), on the topic of the board’s Equity & Inclusive Education policy.
At the meeting, D’Souza told parents and ratepayers that if one of his children turned out to be “gay,” he would “proudly walk them down the aisle and put their hand in the hand of whoever they fall in love with.”
It was also at this meeting that he interpreted gay ‘marriage’ as a “law” enforced by the human rights commission to protect sexual orientation against discrimination, saying that those who objected to this should “move to another country.”
D’Souza also admitted during the course of the TCDSB meeting that he was enlisted by Dalton McGuinty’s openly gay Minister of Education, Kathleen Wynne, to help draft the controversial Equity & Inclusive Education Strategy.
In a 2008 TV Ontario interview, D’Souza made his mandate clear when he said that he would like to see more homosexual teachers in Ontario’s classrooms.
Chris D’Souza interviewed on TVO in 2008, said he would like to see more teachers recruited for Ontario classrooms who come from “alternate lifestyles” and “sexual orientations.”
“There needs to be a collaborative effort to proactively recruit teachers from minority groups. I’m talking about persons with disabilities, alternative lifestyles, sexual orientations,” he said.
Harmony Movement’s program for schools, under the direction of D’Souza, will train participants to “abolish” and “eradicate” the “mentality of heterosexism” within “youth culture” and “within the school and community.”
Heterosexism is a term invented by homosexual activists in the 1970s to cast aspersions on those who believe that heterosexuality is the norm for human sexuality. In a presentation he made to the Ottawa Catholic School Board, D’Souza defined “heterosexism”—which he said must be eliminated—as “the assumption that everyone is or should be heterosexual and that heterosexuality is the only normal, natural sexual orientation.”
Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Catholics told LifeSiteNews.com that “it’s a matter of public record, that Chris D’Souza supports so-called homosexual ‘marriage.’ This is simply his latest attempt to indoctrinate students and teachers into ‘fighting against heterosexism,’ code words which really mean ‘silencing people who espouse the traditional definition of marriage as one man and one woman.’”
“Given all of this, this is not a chap who should be allowed at all in any Catholic school; neither he nor programs from his organization,” added Fonseca.
“There is no way that this man should be allowed into Catholic schools to teach manufactured ideas that fundamentally contradict Christian anthropology on the human person.”
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “man and woman were created for one another” and that “sexuality is ordered to the conjugal love of man and woman.”
To respectfully express your concerns:
Most Rev. Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto
President of the Ontario Assembly of Catholic Bishops
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto (ON) M4T 1W2
Tel: (416) 934-3400 #609
Fax: (416) 934-3452
E-mail: archbishop@archtoronto.org
President of the Ontario Assembly of Catholic Bishops
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto (ON) M4T 1W2
Tel: (416) 934-3400 #609
Fax: (416) 934-3452
E-mail: archbishop@archtoronto.org
Most Rev. Gerard P. Bergie, Bishop of St. Catharines
Chair of the Ontario Bishops’ Education Commission
P.O. Box 875
St. Catharines (ON) L2R 6Z4
Tel: (905) 684-0154
Fax: (905) 684-7551
E-mail: bishop@stcatharinesdiocese.ca, chancery@stcatharinesdiocese.ca
Chair of the Ontario Bishops’ Education Commission
P.O. Box 875
St. Catharines (ON) L2R 6Z4
Tel: (905) 684-0154
Fax: (905) 684-7551
E-mail: bishop@stcatharinesdiocese.ca, chancery@stcatharinesdiocese.ca