Approving of those who Practice
Soon after two homosexual men adopted a Korean girl, she played baby Jesus in a Christmas pageant. One “parent” quipped to a Newsweek reporter, “It gives a whole new meaning to the word ‘Mary.’ ”
As a Christian trying to decide how to deal with the issue of homosexuality, it is important for you to realize that the vast majority of adults who are so inclined can commit this sin with impunity. In the U.S., the level of freedom with which we have all been blessed has always permitted many so-called “victimless crimes” to take place.
Homosexuals use their civic freedom to engage in sin just like other sinners in our country—women are protected by the first amendment to read explicit romance novels, men are permitted to watch R-rated movies which serve no other purpose but to enflame lust, and Mormon parents use their freedom of religious expression to raise their children as Mormons.
That being the case, it is a mistake to think of the homosexual movement as a political lobby whose main goal is to get rid of the remaining anti-sodomy statutes in this country. The states that still have these statutes rarely enforce them, if ever. The goal of the homosexual movement is not so much legalization in the law books as legitimization in society. This legitimization takes two rather contradictory forms. On the one hand, homosexuals lobby for things that are not widely permitted among heterosexuals, even promiscuous ones. The whole idea of bath houses, where men have anonymous sex with many different partners in a night, has no equivalent among heterosexuals. Despite the best efforts of the major media, it is common knowledge that political rallies by homosexuals are often accompanied by flagrant indecencies ranging from public profanity, to nudity, to blatant sex acts.
On the other hand, homosexual legitimization means making homosexuality appear similar to marriage and the family as God ordained them. More and more homosexuals are forming partnerships and raising children.
In November 1996, Newsweek magazine featured pop music star Melissa Etheridge and her longtime lover on the cover with the caption, “We’re having a baby.” According to the article, homosexual men adopt from a foreign country or hire a surrogate mother while homosexual women use artificial insemination either from an anonymous contributor at a sperm bank or a personal friend. It was reported that one little girl only knows of her father as “the donor.” The only tangible evidence of his existence which she has witnessed is the empty sperm vial which her “parents” showed her.
While these couples and their children complain earnestly that they are not yet accepted, the opposite appears to be the case. A six-year-old boy, who along with his sister was conceived by artificial insemination, has gained much approval among his peers. As one of the child’s “parents” stated: “At birthday parties people say, ‘Here comes Christopher’s moms.’ ”
A twelve-year-old girl was shocked to discover that her mother was a practicing homosexual. However, by the time she was a senior in high school, she was ready to speak publicly on behalf of her mother at the school’s “National Coming Out Day.” Of course, this was after a few years of the presence of “two moms” along with “the help of a really great counselor,” to convince the girl that there was nothing wrong with her mother’s relationship.
Much could be said about the willingness of the homosexual movement to use political coercion to enforce the legitimization they seek. Whether it involves getting their agenda promoted in public school curriculums or using anti-discrimination legislation to force Christian landlords to accept tenants who are living in sin, legislating immorality is the name of the game. Homosexuals have stated repeatedly that they want special laws to give them increased access to the media. They need affirmative action laws to secure special work, shelter, and the prosecution of anti-homosexual statements as hate crimes.
The most important thing to recognize about the homosexual movement’s agenda is that legitimization entails denial—denial of their own conscience (Rom. 1:19–28) and of what the Bible teaches (Lev. 18:22; 1 John 1:8–10). That is why the homosexual movement’s work is a direct assault on the Gospel and the church. The spread of the Gospel means that all sins are denounced and renounced. Thus, a society which legitimizes homosexuality illegitimizes Christianity.
Think about it: in a society where homosexuality is recognized as a perversion, along with all other forms of extramarital sex, the people who do it realize that what they love doing is wrong. When they hear the message of the Gospel, which tells them of the demands of the Law of God, and how all who repent and believe in Christ will be freed from their sin, they are much more likely to acknowledge the truth of the message. We have become a society in which all forms of extramarital sex are regarded as good while the only sin is condemning such behavior.
This is quite understandable, though. Children don’t want to condemn the behavior of the parents they love. We have reached the time when Jesus’ saying that we must reject members of our own family for the sake of the kingdom wall no longer seem like hyperbole. Thus, homosexuality is not primarily a political issue; it is a Gospel issue. We are required by God to preach repentance from sin. Such a message has never been popular, but the increasing legitimacy of homosexuality creates new resistance.
The legitimization of homosexuality or any other pattern of sin is primarily an affront to the Law of God and a hindrance to the Gospel. As you fight to see “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” in your church, school, or community, remember: nothing less than eternity is at stake.
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