TV networks which most promote homosexuality
The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has released its new listing of TV networks rated according to “quantity, quality, and diversity” of pro-homosexual propaganda shown during primetime programming.
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“Primetime programming on the five broadcast networks was evaluated as well as original primetime programming on 10 major cable networks,” says GLAAD in introducing their latest “Network Responsibility Index.”
According to the report, The CW network leads the five major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, The CW, FOX, and NBC) in primetime programming hours containing either homosexual characters or the discussion of homosexuality, with 33% of its primetime programming hours being “LGBT-inclusive.” Fox came in second at 29%, and both networks received a “Good” rating from the homosexual group.
ABC got third place in terms of its percentage of LGBT-inclusive programming hours (23%). However, ABC received a “Good” rating because of the “strong quality of its LGBT images, and the network broadcast the greatest total number of LGBT-inclusive hours (253),” GLAAD reported.
NBC followed ABC though the homosexual group noted a slight increase in NBC’s LGBT-inclusive programming.
CBS remained in last place with 10% LGBT-inclusive hours of primetime programming. The homosexual group noted that, “after receiving their second “Failing” score in a row last year, however, CBS improved enough to receive an “Adequate” score this year.”
Of the cable networks, homosexual activists were most enthusiastic about ABC Family, which they said was “the second network in the NRI’s history to earn an “Excellent” rating from GLAAD.
Of its 103 hours of original primetime programming, 55% included LGBT-inclusive images which also reflected the ethnic and racial diversity of the LGBT community. It is notable that both ABC Family and MTV, which in 2010 received the first-ever “Excellent” rating from GLAAD, are both youth-oriented networks.”
The other cable networks that received a “Good” rating for “quantity and quality of their LGBT-inclusive original programming” were Showtime (37%), TNT (33%), HBO (31%), Lifetime (31%), AMC (29%), and Syfy (22%)
“USA increased their LGBT-inclusive hours from 4% to 18%, which improved their score from “Failing” to “Adequate,” GLAAD reported.
The only two cable networks that “Failed” were A&E and TBS with 5% “LGBT-inclusive images” in their programming. However, the group noted that,
“Those numbers are a slight improvement over the 2% and 1% they respectively posted in last year’s NRI.”
The Parents Television Council (PTC), an education organization advocating responsible entertainment with more than 1.3 million members across the United States, says that individuals who contact network executives, along with advertisers, have a huge impact on television programming.
PTC encourages viewers who are concerned about anti-family programming, or who wish to compliment a network on tasteful and family-friendly programming, to express their opinion to key decision-makers.
“The default setting for broadcast television used to be family
-oriented, while those desiring edgier, more explicit fare were free to seek it out. Today’s prime time television programming has become almost uniformly unsuitable for families, and often directly hostile to their values, making it very difficult for parents to shield their children and seek out alternative entertainment,” PTC points out.
The PTC website contains contact information for all US broadcast and cable networks and their affiliates, which concerned individuals can use to make their views known.
“Decide which network and prime time show(s) you wish to comment on ... Then take action! Write a short note, call, or send an e-mail. Every telephone call, letter, and e-mail really does make a difference!” the PTC urges.
“Name the show, tell them if you approve or disapprove of it, give your reasons why, say if you will or will not watch the show, tell them you are contacting the advertisers and your local network affiliates as well, and say you support the efforts of the Parents Television Council. With your help, the PTC will convince them to consider the wants and needs of the family viewing audience.”