Sack Bishop Hubbard
When the “Catholic” Association for Lesbian & Gay Ministry attempted to hold a fundraiser in a St. Paul-Minneapolis parish several months ago, Archbishop Niensted quickly put a stop to it.
When the same “Catholic” Association for Lesbian & Gay Ministry (CALGM) announces it will host its national conference in Albany, NY, Bishop Howard Hubbard agrees to celebrate Mass for them.
Bishop Hubbard turns 75 in a little over two years, but he seems intent on continuing to inflict pastoral damage on his diocese until he retires.
This is the same bishop who has publicly praised and gave Communion to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, approved the distribution of free needles by Catholic Charities to serial drug abusers, and through his position on the US Bishops’ committee on international justice and peace, puts Catholic endorsement behind horrible political proposals which will harm our fragile economy.
Bishop Hubbard’s association with the “Catholic” Association for Lesbian & Gay Ministry presents a scandal to members of his whole diocese, who are being dutifully informed of his activities in their parish bulletins(imagine having to explain this news item to your kids?).
Numerous distressed Catholics from the diocese emailed me to alert me to this story. It’s not the first time they’ve found themselves in the position of trying to figure out what on earth their bishop is up to.
We need to keep praying for the Catholics of Albany that they will persevere until the time comes when they are granted better shepherds.
If you wish to contact Bishop Hubbard, you may do so (with charity) by emailing