Homophobia and the Church
Anyone opposed to the acceptance of homosexual behavior as a healthy, normal, moral equivalent to heterosexuality is often accused of homophobia – an irrational fear of those engaged in homosexual behavior.
This same label is applied to any church that teaches biblical morality on the issue.
Recently, Bill Hybels, Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago, had to defend his church’s loving and biblical morality teachings against an attack from a homosexual activist who persuaded the head of Starbucks to breach his contract to speak at the church’s leadership summit.
Some churches, like Mt. Hope Church in East Lansing, Michigan, are sometimes even physicallyattacked by radical groups who support the homosexual agenda like BashBack! (an indication of irrational fear on their part).
But most pastors and churches I’m familiar with are like Willow Creek and love those caught up in homosexual behavior, wanting them to experience the freedom that Christ can give. They don’t fear them, but they fear for them.
As Dr. Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary recently put it in his pieceon the topic, “Our greatest fear is not that homosexuality will be normalized and accepted, but that homosexuals will not come to know of their own need for Christ and the forgiveness of their sins.”
Well said. If churches truly love those who are engaged in sin that separates them from a right relationship with God, they cannot say sin is OK. That truly would be hateful, not loving.