Intolerant new homosexual chaos
The drive for acceptance of homosexuality continues to be used as a bludgeon against believing Christians and others who stand up for traditional moral principles. They are called insensitive, haters, bigots, homophobes and much more.
Their basic rights are being increasingly denied and they are bullied into submission by the enforcers of the intolerant new sexual chaos.
Those who are affirming and supporting homosexuality, or who are just plain cowardly about upholding the difficult truths about the issue, are actually betraying persons drawn to or involved in the lifestyle.
Support for homosexuality is a serious, and in many cases inexcusable, betrayal of the real needs of persons with homosexual tendencies. Withholding the truth on this controversial issue reveals a lack of genuine concern for others.
Those who speak out (with charity) about the harm and wrongness of homosexual activity are the true lovers of their brothers and sisters in need. It’s tough to exercise that kind of love in this culture - but it has to be done - for the good of all. Lives depend on it.