The betrayal of homosexuals - article excerpts
On January 12, 2010, Archbishop Raymond Burke, former Archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, and now Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, gave the homily at the annual Red Mass of Saint Mary’s Basilica, Diocese of Phoenix.
He said “We see before our eyes the evil fruits of life in a society which pretends to take the place of God in making its laws and in giving its judgments, in a society in which those in power decide what is right and just, according to their desires and convenience, even at the cost of perpetrating the gravest harm upon their neighbour.”
Among the evil fruits of this decadent age there is an unparalleled betrayal of homosexuals. That evil fruit we consider here briefly, emphasizing the betrayal as the rejection of justice and charity towards a significant number of God’s sons and daughters.
Under the guise of liberalism, freedom of choice, conscience rights and a host of other masks we see at present the most widespread and prevalent betrayal of homosexuals in the history of the world. We consider this betrayal in its various sources sometimes against justice, sometimes against charity, and always against the truth.
This betrayal is sometimes self-inflicted, sometimes from outside the Church and sometimes from within the Church.
The betrayal of homosexuals comes mostly from outside the Church, from a culture saturated with secularism, paganism and atheism. They are betrayed by civil laws which proclaim the lie that homosexuals have a right to marriage.
They are betrayed by so-called human rights tribunals which penalize the critics of homosexual behaviour. They are betrayed by school boards which order the teaching that homosexual activity is a legitimate life-style which must be respected. They are betrayed by some politicians, judges and governments.
They are betrayed by the mumbo jumbo of pseudo-science concerning the compulsion to perverse behaviour.
From within the Catholic Church betrayal of homosexuals is varied and widespread.
The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, OECTA, reacted favourably to the new Ontario legislation by which school children are to be taught that they should have a positive attitude towards the homosexual lifestyle.
For many years the now happily defunct Catholic New Times newspaper encouraged homosexuals to remain in the Church and work towards Church approval of homosexual conduct. Gregory Baum, still invited to speak at nominally Catholic Colleges, has been a constant supporter of this approach.
Frequently speakers at Catholic events or institutions betray homosexuals. Perhaps the most influential of such events is the Religious Education Congress under the approval of Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles.