Pro Gay Government Funded group complain about their posters being rejected by Queensland public

A safe sex campaign featuring a gay couple holding a condom has sparked opposition in Queensland . In response to overwhelming complaints , advertising company Adshel removed the offending posters from bus shelters around Brisbane . But the Queensland Association of Healthy Communities , (a pro-gay Government funded lobby group) responsible for the advertisement , is squealing: homophobia. This is the standard appraoch by these groups when challenged, if you disagree you are labelled homophobic. This mission statement of this organization is also to push the gay agenda ....fully government funded. Spokesman Paul Martin says the complaints are about the condom advertisements at bus shelters. He says the complaint sent to the Advertising Standards Bureau reads: "To promote this lifestyle to our youth is not in the interests of healthy communities - the only place this message should be seen would be to practising homosexuals, not to impressionable youth in our g...