
Showing posts with the label gay plebiscite

North Carolina Lt. Gov.: Biology has everything to do with bathrooms

“A person’s biology has everything to do with which bathroom they use,” North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest said Friday morning at Values Voter Summit. Forest noted that North Carolina’s contentious bathroom law preventing men from having unfettered access to women’s restrooms and vice versa was passed in response to an “unconstitutional” Charlotte ordinance. “The person that pushed the Charlotte city ordinance … was a registered sex offender,” Forest said. The ordinance would have allowed a “free-for-all,” he said, and it was “telling all private businesses what to do.” “This is not purely an ideological battle. … This is a political battle as well” that is led by progressives who are upset at conservative victories in the battleground state, Forest said. He said people should not be forced to accept practices previously reserved for subcultures, “but no one should out-love Christians,” who can offer “hope and redemption to all” through their religion’s teachin

Australia: What Is Missing From Opposition leader Bill Shorten’s Latest Homosexual marriage Bill?

Australia: Parliament is set to spend even more time on same-sex marriage this week. Same-sex marriage bills to be introduced this week by Labor and the cross bench fail to protect ordinary Australians from the consequences of the proposed change, Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Lyle Shelton said. While religious celebrants would not be compelled to violate their conscience and perform same gender weddings, non-religious Australians also had freedom of conscience rights which would not be protected, Mr Shelton said. “People who supply services to the wedding industry should not be fined for exercising their sincerely held beliefs about marriage,” Mr Shelton said. Parents were already concerned about same-sex marriage’s fellow traveller, the so-called “Safe Schools” program. One of the biggest consequences to flow from removing gender from marriage is teaching children at school their gender is fluid. This is already happening through the so called Safe Schools program

Australia: Emotional Blackmail the new public policy strategy

Australia: Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s playing of the suicide card is a dangerous and disappointing attempt to use emotional blackmail to silence debate, according to the Australian Christian Lobby. “No one wants to see anyone come to harm and in 10 years of debate there has never been any targeting of people by those of us who support preserving the definition of marriage,” ACL Managing Director Lyle Shelton said. Regrettably there are feral social media trolls on both sides but this is not a reason not to have a public conversation. Changing the definition of marriage in law is the biggest social policy change of our generation and all Australians must be free to participate without intimidation. The idea that the Australian people can’t be trusted to have a respectful and civil public debate about something which has enormous consequences is quite frankly insulting. The power of Mr Shorten’s suggestion to vulnerable people is irresponsible. Malcolm Turnbull took th

Chris Pine: Including homosexual character in Hollywood Movies normalizes homosexuality

Chris Pine says he’s “gay proud” of the “Star Trek” franchise for making history this year by revealing that one of its most iconic characters is gay . But the general public thinks otherwise. In a Thursday interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the 36-year-old actor, who’s played Captain Kirk in the last three “Star Trek” installments, applauded the decision to depict Hikaru Sulu as a gay man in “ Star Trek Beyond ,” which hit theaters in July. But the movie producers knew it would turn many people off, so it was a limited implied relationship. But here is the dangerous quote by an immature immoral Hollywood actor telling the world what to do: “It’s about f**ing time. The fact that there’s still a conversation about it means that there’s still room to go in terms of it being normalized. The “Star Trek” franchise, doesn’t share in the kind of cynicism and negativity that some of these other superhero films do.” Homosexual advocates know if Hollywood promotes homosexuality it will

Australia: Plebiscite funding details to be revealed

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is expected to reveal details of the planned plebiscite to his party room on Tuesday. He's likely to come under pressure from churches if those plans don't include public funding for the 'no' and 'yes' cases. One of the country's most senior Anglican leaders, Archbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies, says Mr Turnbull promised him in February taxpayer money would be forthcoming, News Corp reports. The prime minister's office has rejected that interpretation of the conversation, saying he only indicated that if there were public funding, it would be given equally. A month later, Archbishop Davies reportedly met with Attorney-General George Brandis, who asked how much money would be appropriate. It could be more than $10 million for each side, on top of the estimated $160 million cost of running the national vote. Senator Brandis said on Sunday there had been a very thorough process of consultation with all sides. 'What those

100+ Reasons for Defending Marriage and Family & Some Consequences of Embracing Same-sex "Marriage"

Changing the Marriage Act will not expand marriage it will undermine marriage and family, foundations of our good society. The following list is a far from exhaustive list of some reasons to defend marriage and family and some of the myriad consequences of changing the Marriage Act: Same-sex “Marriage” is not Marriage. The union between two men or two women denies the self-evident biological, physiological, and psychological differences between men and women which find their complementarity in marriage.  It denies the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children. Two entirely different things cannot be considered the same thing. Same-sex "Marriage" goes Against Human Nature Same-sex “Marriage" Always Denies a Child Either a Father or a Mother SS “marriage” intentionally makes children orphans. SS “marriage” confuses children and promotes homosexual behavior to them. Both Mums and Dads matte

Affirm homosexual or be sanctioned by the state?

What is the nature of marriage and what are the consequences for redefining it? Marriage is based on: the truth that men and women are physically and emotionally complementary, the biological fact that reproduction depends on a man and a woman, and the reality that children need both a mother and a father. Redefining marriage does not simply expand the existing understanding of marriage; it rejects these truths. It will legally discriminate against those who hold the traditional view of marriage, that marriage is only between a man and a woman, and potentially will outlaw the legitimate view of millions of people that homosexual sex acts are unnatural, unhealthy and immoral. Laws teach. A law which promotes and protects something (homosexual sex) which billions of people around the world have always considered to be physically and mentally harmful will cause social havoc, division and confusion. It will restrict freedom of speech and religion. It will effectively silence and

Homosexual Plebiscite will cause or promote teen suicide?

Here are the rules for the gay marriage debate according to Greens leader Richard Di Natale: shut up and agree with the Greens or you are culpable for gay suicide. Shelve the plebiscite because, as he says , “we’ll see young people take their lives on the back of a hateful and divisive debate in the community”. Has there ever been a more shameful example of political blackmail? Not only shameful but also insulting to Australians who should be free to speak their mind on marriage without being demonised as “haters” with blood on their hands. Not only insulting but also reckless: there is a dangerous power of suggestion when politicians tell LGBT youth they are victims of society’s homophobia and deserve to be suicidal. Melinda Selmys warned of this danger, reflecting on her lesbian youth: “I am exceedingly wary of attempts to put the onus for gay suicide on “heterosexist” culture. It is not in the interest of any teenager - gay, straight, transsexual, or non-sexually identifying –

Scott Stephens on the sin of homosexual marriage

Scott Stephens discusses the homosexual marriage plebiscite: He makes a good point regarding the problem of a conscience vote and a majority of either side. Unfortunately, he errs in his conclusion and remains vague regarding the Christian's position on homosexuality, gay marriage and scripture. So instead of declaring, God's truth namely the sin of homosexuality and pleading for people to confess their sin- repent of their sin- go no further and in damaging God's design for marriage...instead he trots down the ABC track of 'hurt' homosexuals. Then he implies like Shorten, Wong and others that when bible believing Christ followers vote against immoral homosexual marriage they will be included with the haters.  But he doesn't stop there. He states by believers voting NO they are saying that homosexual sex -is deficient. At least he got something correct. Homosexual relationships are dysfunctional relationships, rarely showing fidelity, based on lust not

Australia: Shorten anybody who objects to homosexual marriage are haters who hide under rocks

Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has been accused of intolerance and "brutal" language towards people opposed to same-sex marriage, in a confrontation with a rector outside a church service this morning. Mr Shorten was among politicians attending the service to mark the start of the parliamentary year. The Labor leader is a vocal advocate of same-sex marriage, but has raised concerns a plebiscite would be divisive and encourage the vilification of same-sex couples. Rector Ian Powell, from a Canberra Anglican church, took the opportunity to raise concerns about Labor's approach. "You described people who weren't in favour of changing the definition of marriage as 'haters who come out from under rock'. Can I ask you not to speak like that?" he said. Mr Shorten said he was not being quoted accurately and did not want to be hectored. "People of faith can be opposed to marriage equality, but some people who object to marriage equality do h

Australia: Any comment that disagrees with homosexuality = hate speech?

One of the lead campaigners behind Ireland's historic same-sex marriage referendum has urged Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and parliamentarians not to go ahead with a plebiscite, warning the experience was "brutal" for gay and lesbian people and their families. Grainne Healy, co-director of the Yes Equality campaign, said Irish volunteers needed counselling after abuse and hate speech from reform opponents, calling for MPs to stop Australia from seeing an unnecessary plebiscite campaign. In a letter to all MPs, Healy said a plebiscite on homosexual marriage would bring about hurtful and divisive commentary under the guise of fair debate. But from the LGBTQ perspective any comment against homosexuality is deemed to be hateful. The truth does hurt! LGBT parents do hide truth from their kids wanting to blame others. The LGBT lifestyle is sinful, disordered, against biology, against evolution and against the health of kids.  "Some LGBT canvassers who were out

Australia: Leading theologian explains why same-sex marriage should not be legalized.

Let me make an opening confession. I am not a LGBTI person. I do not share their experiences, nor have I lived their story. I must also confess no little bit of guilt in this matter. I have been quick to judge how LGBTI views adversely affect me without me considering how my views might adversely affect them. I have often clung onto a particular vision of society, a society that feels like it is crumbling before my eyes, but without ensuring the welfare of the most vulnerable in that society. In addition, part of me has been selfishly worried that some of the perks and privileges that my tribe has enjoyed in Australian society are being taken away. While I have been pre-occupied with how to preserve a Christian witness in a post-Christian society, I know I have neglected to love all the people in this society as my faith requires me to. I also know that the history of LGBTI people in Australia is a tragic saga about the struggle for existence, acceptance, and equality amidst the hea