UK schools directed to massively incorporate gay, trans themes for kids as young as 5

A major LGBT lobbying group has produced sweeping guidelines for British schools designed to indoctrinate children beginning at age 5 in every primary school subject area and in every grade level by embedding gay, lesbian, and transgender themes and examples.
The “voluntary guidance” authored by Stonewall, an LGBT lobbying group roughly equivalent to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in the United States, was sponsored by the Government Equalities Office (GEO) and Pearson, a U.K.-based education assessment and publication powerhouse, using a £1-million grant awarded to LGBT organizations, according to a report in the Sunday Times.
The effort is timed to coincide with the new relationships and sex education (RSE) courses scheduled to take effect in September 2020. While parents will be permitted to exempt their children from lessons on sex, the relationships portion of the curriculum is mandatory.
A review of the suggested guidelines, which touch upon every area of study, reveals an unvarnished intent to thoroughly normalize homosexuality, transgenderism, and LGBT relationships in young minds.
The 56-page document, titled “Creating an LGBT-Inclusive Primary Curriculum,” targets every subject a young student encounters, including math, science, and even physical education and religion classes.
Here are some suggestions from the guidebook, revealing a constant emphasis and repetition of examples focused on households headed by two gay dads or two lesbian moms:
- Pretend to be guests at Fatima and Shanika’s wedding. Share out the biscuits so that everyone has two. How many biscuits are left?
- Eddie’s mums tell him that his grandad is coming round at 5:30. He wants to practice using his watch. Draw the hands on the clock face to show what his watch will look like at 5:30
- Laura builds a treehouse with her mums. The perimeter of Laura’s treehouse is 12m. What could the area be?
- Nita and her dads want to go on a healthy picnic. What foods could they take?
- Jamal is helping his mums choose the material to make a coat, what materials would be the best to use? Why?
- Dean and Ishmael have bought a holiday home in Fuerteventura, in the Canary Islands. Fuerteventura is warm and windy, so the water evaporates quickly there. They want to avoid having to top up their swimming pool, so should they use normal water or saltwater in their pool?
- Introduce the rainbow flag and discuss the meaning of the different colors. You might also want to look at the trans flag and the bi flag. Children design and make their own flag to celebrate diversity and different families.
- Design and make a castle for King and King from the ‘King and King’ books.
- Introduce the idea of the AIDS memorial quilt and other memorial quilts. Make a class or year group quilt with the theme of celebrating diversity — each child contributes a square.
- Learn about Alan Turing’s role in cracking the enigma code in World War II, Roberta Cowell’s role as a fighter pilot or Joesphine Baker’s role as a spy. Be sure to highlight their LGBT identities as well as focussing on their roles in the war.
- Learn about Sappho’s love poetry as part of your topic about Ancient Greece.
- Help to pack a bag for Emma, who is going on a sunny holiday with her mums. What clothes should she take?
- Children use holiday brochures to choose a honeymoon destination for Simon and Pete. They should act like travel agents and persuade Simon and Pete that their chosen destination is the perfect one. Encourage children to research the different countries and to be aware that Simon and Pete might be worried about facing discrimination.
- The music world is full of visible role models. Whether your children are in Early Years or Year 6, you can use the music of LGBT artists such as Queen, The Pet Shop Boys, Little Ax Broadnax, Josephine Baker, Janelle Monae, Years and Years or Frank Ocean as a stimulus for their work. This work would also provide an opportunity for the children to learn more about an artist’s LGBT identity.
- Listen to ‘Same Love’ by Macklemore. Write a rap about acceptance that could replace Macklemore’s rap. This could also be used as an opportunity to discuss the idea of being an ally to the LGBT community, as an opportunity to discuss stereotypes or to discuss homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in general.
- Use books with LGBT themes as a stimulus for programming based activities or artwork or challenge your children to research an LGBT hero.
- Whilst the children are getting changed for PE, make use of the time to show them videos that challenge gender-based stereotypes.
- Highlight an inspirational sportsperson every week, be sure to include LGBT role models such as Tom Daley, Keegan Hirst, Lee Pearson, Nicola Adams or Claire Harvey.
- As part of learning about families, weddings and traditions read ‘King and King.’ Discuss that King and King had a church wedding or blessing, in line with Christian traditions.
- Compare different weddings from across different faiths, including non-religious weddings. Children could even create an order of service for the wedding or civil partnership of a same-sex couple.
- When learning about religious naming ceremonies, teach that some trans people choose to have a ‘naming ceremony’ or blessing following their transition.
- As part of your work on festivals, learn about LGBT Pride as a celebration of diversity and as an event that promotes respect. You could even plan your own school-based Pride celebration.
Publication of the guidelines met with a sudden backlash.
Tanya Carter of the Safe Schools Alliance —a group of concerned parents, grandparents, teachers, and others— told the Times,
“We are concerned that the aim of challenging homophobia is being used to sneak gender ideology into the curriculum. It is being taught as fact that children can be born in the wrong body and are able to change sex, neither of which is true,” she added.
Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, told the Times that Stonewall’s campaign for “acceptance without exception” as disguising a “manipulative agenda aimed brazenly at our youngest and most impressionable.”
“The innocence of our children is being robbed by introducing them to concepts they cannot be expected to understand and from which they should be protected,” continued Williams. “This curriculum is deeply subversive. It should be scrapped.”
Others took to Twitter.
“Stonewall has been going into schools for some years now.... Why?” asked Dr. Sarah Rutherford. “It is a lobby group that is pushing an ideology of gender identity under the LGBT banner. What better way than having access to young impressionable minds. This is not for children’s benefit.”
See Dr Sarah Rutherford's other Tweets
“Stonewall has lost it,” asserted Wendy Wheeler. “This is where the worthy liberal aim of equality for all slips into hyper-liberal extremism which is socially destructive.”
@StonewallUK has lost it. This is where the worthy liberal aim of equality for all slips into hyper-liberal extremism which is socially destructive. @AllianceLGB are rightly trying to correct this lunatic extremism. …
See Wendy Wheeler's other Tweets
“The state continues to drive a wedge-like stake between concerned parents & so-called education trailblazers who work in our kid’s Primary Schools,” tweeted Let Kids Be Kids. “All with the full autonomy for implementation in the hands of individual Headteachers.”
See Let Kids Be Kids's other Tweets