Hallmark bows to LGBT agenda

Hallmark decides to don its gay apparel during the Holy Season that prohibits and condemns the act of homosexuality. So why do it?
The Hallmark Channel has built its cable television brand on presenting wholesome family-friendly entertainment, especially during the holidays. Beginning before Thanksgiving, they run uplifting Christmas movies virtually nonstop. The movies feature timeless values and universal themes such as love, forgiveness, togetherness, and family. They offer viewers – most of whom are women with many being Christian moms – the chance to escape the divisiveness that consumes so much of the culture these days, and is a politics-free escape for millions of people. Until the past several weeks, that is
In recent weeks, loyal viewers of the channel were shocked to be confronted with a series of ads from a wedding planning website promoting gay ‘marriage.’ One ad features a lesbian ‘wedding’ with a close-up of the two ‘brides’ passionately kissing each other.

The Hallmark Channel has built its cable television brand on presenting wholesome family-friendly entertainment, especially during the holidays. Beginning before Thanksgiving, they run uplifting Christmas movies virtually nonstop. The movies feature timeless values and universal themes such as love, forgiveness, togetherness, and family. They offer viewers – most of whom are women with many being Christian moms – the chance to escape the divisiveness that consumes so much of the culture these days, and is a politics-free escape for millions of people. Until the past several weeks, that is
In recent weeks, loyal viewers of the channel were shocked to be confronted with a series of ads from a wedding planning website promoting gay ‘marriage.’ One ad features a lesbian ‘wedding’ with a close-up of the two ‘brides’ passionately kissing each other.
Thousands of viewers contacted Hallmark to complain and the production company made the right decision to pull the offending ads. Naturally, this sparked a furious backlash from LGBT groups and their media allies with cries of outrage and their customary tactics of bullying, shaming, and harassment. In little more than 24 hours, Hallmark folded, apologizing to the homosexual community for their “mistake,” promising to reinstate the ads and pledging to work with an LGBT extremist organization to ensure the channel becomes more “inclusive.”

There are precious few family-friendly entertainment options today, so it’s a shame that parents who wish to shield their children from controversial, anti-biblical, presentations until parents themselves decide to raise these subjects with their kids can no longer trust the Hallmark Channel to respect their values.

There are precious few family-friendly entertainment options today, so it’s a shame that parents who wish to shield their children from controversial, anti-biblical, presentations until parents themselves decide to raise these subjects with their kids can no longer trust the Hallmark Channel to respect their values.
Still, the Hallmark Channel is a private company and they can choose to alienate a large portion of their viewership by kowtowing to the political demands of the left if they wish – and risk the resulting rating decline that is sure to come. But if pending federal legislation were to pass, this type of thing will not only become more frequent, it may even be considered “discriminatory” not to advance the LGBT agenda.

Mike Chi Zola's chief marketing Officer tries to justify why sinful immoral anti-biological lesbianism is justified to shove down the throats of families. Epic fail
The grossly-misnamed “Equality Act” would impose large elements of the radical LGBT agenda by redefining the term “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” We call the legislation the InEquaity Act because of the one-sided way in which it benefits the LGBT community at the expense of every other American, especially people of faith. Among its many other terrible provisions, the law declares the belief that marriage is the union of a man and a woman to be a sex stereotype, and it makes acting in support of a sex stereotype to be illegal discrimination under federal law.
The InEquality Act has already passed the US House of Representatives and is pending in the Senate. Forty-seven senators have signed onto the legislation as co-sponsors, including Republican Susan Collins, and it could come up at any time.
The InEquality Act is the greatest legislative threat we've ever faced.
Mike Chi Zola's chief marketing Officer tries to justify why sinful immoral anti-biological lesbianism is justified to shove down the throats of families. Epic fail
The grossly-misnamed “Equality Act” would impose large elements of the radical LGBT agenda by redefining the term “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” We call the legislation the InEquaity Act because of the one-sided way in which it benefits the LGBT community at the expense of every other American, especially people of faith. Among its many other terrible provisions, the law declares the belief that marriage is the union of a man and a woman to be a sex stereotype, and it makes acting in support of a sex stereotype to be illegal discrimination under federal law.
The InEquality Act has already passed the US House of Representatives and is pending in the Senate. Forty-seven senators have signed onto the legislation as co-sponsors, including Republican Susan Collins, and it could come up at any time.
The InEquality Act is the greatest legislative threat we've ever faced.